Chapter 2

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"How's your danish, Harvey?" I asked, glancing at him through the rear-view mirror as we ate in the parking lot of the bakery shop.

"Delightful. And you, ma'am? How is your lemon bar?"

"Amazing. As always."

We finished stuffing the sugary pastries down our throat before heading out to pick up my daughter.

I sucked my teeth, trying to savor the lemony taste in my mouth just a little bit longer. I did order more than one, but I was saving that for Everly. She also enjoys them.

Typing away at the keyboard on my phone screen, I sent Andi a text letting her know I would be there in ten minutes.

Seconds later, three dots appeared before Andi's reply popped up onto the screen.

Andi: Ok. Oh, and tell Harvey I said hi.

Me: Ok.

I looked up from my phone. "Andi says hi."

Harvey's blue-gray eyes are back on me. I can tell he's smiling by the way the wrinkles around his eyes crease.

He fired up the engine of the Rolls Royce Phantom. The exterior was shiny and black, the interior black with hints of white along the seams, and according to Sam, the highest quality leather for guaranteed comfort. 

I didn't know shit about cars and didn't see the point in the upgrade from the Lexus we had a few years ago. I only cared about getting to and from a destination safely. 

But then I saw the starlight headliner that felt like I was looking up at the stars in the sky. I fell in love with the vehicle instantly after that. I mean, what even is a Lexus anymore?

I didn't say a word for the rest of the ride, occasionally humming to the song playing on the radio. Harvey made me a playlist of every song me and Everly have ever belted out like it was karaoke. 

The old man has joined in from time to time, quickly becoming a fan of Selena, Maroon 5, and Beyoncé. Our playlist was all over the place. We even had some Disney songs in there, which Everly and I often sang the loudest. Especially when it was a song from Princess and the Frog or Coco.

The song I was currently humming along to was "Dreaming of You" by Selena. Hearing her sing has always made me so emotional. I'm either overcome with sadness, or anger because that bitch Yolanda snatched her from this world too soon.

As I hummed along, I watched Harvey work his way through traffic before pulling up to Andi's house a moment later. He parked in the driveway of her luxury home. Right beside three of the sports cars her and her husband owned.

Andi and I met at a Mommy and Me group. We were both pregnant as shit at the time and had connected on the fact that pregnancy was hell on earth for us. We both experienced nausea all through out, swollen feet, tender breasts, and a bladder the size of a freaking pinto bean.

It was a little later on, when we started hanging out, that I learned she was a model and her husband was the famous race car driver Reuben Cortes.

I wasn't famous or anything like that. Nowhere near like them anyway. I was just "Sam Hendersen's wife". None of the people he worked with could ever remember my name.

It wasn't that hard. And I couldn't tell if they genuinely had a difficult time remembering my name, were misogynistic pigs, racists, or all of the above.

I opened my own door before Harvey could reach me, a wicked smile on my face. I hardly ever let him do his job. I loved messing with him. He simply glared at me and waited until I stepped out of the vehicle to close the door.

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