Chapter 16

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Celeste's POV
I woke up in bed alone. And it was the first night I slept all the way through the night without waking up.

I don't know if Sam ever came home last night. Not that I was waiting up for him. After Rade dropped me off, I took a bath and went straight to bed.

Okay, well, I didn't go straight to bed. I did spend the first ten minutes thinking about the nickname Rade had given me and how he had called me beautiful in Greek. I really shouldn't have spent my night thinking about another man, but I was upset with Sam. 

Still am. He basically blamed me for our failure to get pregnant. And yet, he still won't go to the doctor with me to see what the issue is. 

I still don't think it's me. I'm only in my mid-twenties, and I had no trouble getting pregnant with Everly. I'm thinking maybe it's because we're planning this child unlike we did with Everly, and it's causing us stress.

After I'd showered, got dressed for the day, and called Andi to speak with Everly before she went to school, I decided that I wasn't going to sit in the house cleaning and reading. Today, I was going to treat myself to a stress-free day. And I was going to do it using Sam's money.

I stood in front of the coffee maker with my coffee mug in one hand and my phone in the other. I sent Rade a text.

Me: Can you come a little earlier?

If I was going to be spending the day outdoors, then I needed to get started now. And the first thing I was going to do was stop by my favorite bakery for a lemon bar.

 Rade: I'm outside.

I almost choked on my coffee. I set the cup down and went outside to find that Rade really was here. He got out of the car when he saw me, standing in the doorway with an inked hand resting on the door. He was so tall that I could see him perfectly behind the car.

"Why are you here so early?" I questioned, trying not to get lost in his eyes as he stared at me.

"I'm always early, mikrí fotiá(little fire)."

He just used the nickname again. And it sounded even better a second time.

"Right. Forgot you're a psychopath who likes to wake up at the crack of dawn." I'd muttered that last part, but he somehow managed to hear me anyway.

He smirked. Like an actual smirk. And it was so freaking beautiful. Is there anything this man can't look beautiful doing? He probably rolls out of bed looking like a model. Now, if I could just get the grump to smile. My life would be complete.

"What's the plan for today?"

A smile spread across my face. "I'm glad you asked." I went back into the house to transfer my coffee into a pink travel mug. I also decided to pour Rade a cup, too, just in case, before heading back outside.

Rade was exactly where I'd left him only his eyes were trained on my feet. "Cute slippers."

I followed his line of gaze, squealing when I realized I hadn't changed out of my bunny slippers. Everly and I had matching ones. I bought them for us for Christmas last year. They are the most comfortable pair of slippers I have ever slipped my feet into. Which is probably why I failed to notice that I was still wearing them.

I hurried back inside to change into a pair of brown sandals, and then I went back outside. I thanked Rade when he opened my door for me. He nodded, closed the door, and I waited for him to get in the car before offering him the second cup of coffee I made.

He glanced down at it in confusion. "I don't drink coffee."

I gasped aloud. "You don't drink- you really are a psychopath." I pulled my hand back and shrugged. "Oh well. More for me."

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