Chapter 32

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It's been a few days since I agreed to become Rade's roommate. And things have been... interesting. While interactions have been the same between us, nights now consist of Rade's face buried between my legs.

A night like that is usually followed by the best sleep I've ever had. He never stays in my room. Always slips out the door like a thief in the night.

I've entertained the idea of letting him sleep in my bed, but he always refuses. He hasn't gone into details about the reason other than saying, "it's for your sake" before wishing me a good night and leaving.

What the hell does he mean by "its for your sake?" It's so cryptic, and I find it to be both scary and exciting.

Rade and I haven't seen each other all day. He's been busy with his restaurant. I've thought about bothering him by spamming him with a bunch of emojis, -I hate being apart from him- but thought it childish to bug him while he's working.

I didn't do much while he was away. I ate, slept, and worked out on the treadmill for a good five minutes before deciding ice cream was far more indulging.

After that, I took an Uber over to the school. I could have borrowed Rade's car, but I didn't want my first time behind the wheel since God knows how long to be in one of his fancy sports cars.

Everly's school has a parent-teacher conference tonight, and I'm nervous. Not because of Everly. She's a great student, and I know her teacher will have plenty of wonderful things to say. But because Sam and I will be in the same room.

We haven't been in the same room together since I found out about his double life and moved out. We've only spoken over the phone, mostly about Everly.

I wish I wasn't so worried about a man who cheated on me. But I was. I was worried. I wanted us to be able to be civilized around our daughter. So far, we've kept her away from our constant arguing. But that was easier when I was either dropping her off at her dad's or talking to him on the phone.

"Hi Mrs. Hendersen," Mrs. Lund greeted with a welcoming smile.

Mrs. Lund was a kind woman with wild curly blonde hair and large round pink glasses. She was known for the many pairs of glasses she owned, the students always excited to see what pair she'd show up in next.

Mrs. Lund's smile faltered as she glanced between me and Everly. "Will Mr. Hendersen be joining us tonight?"

"He should be here momentarily," I said with a nervous smile.

Sam promised he'd be here. He hasn't missed a single parent-teacher conference. And now, he's late.

I tried not to show the frustration on my face as Mrs. Lund welcomed us into the classroom and took her seat behind her wooden desk.

I eyed the three empty chairs. Everly took the seat in the middle while I took the seat on the left of her. I placed my purse in my lap, trying not to glance at the clock above the door as I listened to the faint tick of the clock.

Mrs. Lund smiled, her hands clasped and resting on top of a dark red folder I knew contained information on Everly.

"He should be here any minute," I told Everly's teacher, trying to fill the awkward silence. Mrs. Lund only nodded, the smile on her face turning into a nervous one.

The clock continued to tick, the incessant sound making me even more anxious. I squirmed in my seat.





"We might just have to-" Mrs. Lund began before being interrupted by Sam, who burst into the room.

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