Chapter 20

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Rade offered to go in with me, but I declined. I needed to talk to Sam myself. I needed to know if he intentionally decided not to show up for lunch after agreeing to meet or if work somehow got in the way. Sometimes, when he's busy or in a meeting, he forgets to text me.

I went into his place of work and took the elevator up to the twenty-fifth floor. When the stainless steel doors slid open, I stepped out to greet the receptionist at the desk.

"Hey, Celeste," Jenny greeted me, flashing me a polite smile. "I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you."

Jenny wasn't at the office party the other day, so it really has felt like forever since we've seen each other. I used to stop by every day to bring Sam lunch. After everything went to shit between us, I stopped.

"It's been way too long, honestly."

She nodded in agreement. "Are you here to see your hubby?"

"Yes. He's not in a meeting, is he?"

"Let me check." She typed away at her computer, most likely checking his schedule for the day. Her brown eyes flicker back to me. "Doesn't look like has anything until three. You should be able to head back there." She picked up the phone, ready to dial him. "I'll let him know you're coming."

"Actually, don't." She paused. "I'm surprising him."

She grinned. "Oh, how kinky."

I blushed. "It's not like that."

"Mhm," she said, unconvinced. "Don't break any furniture," she shouted as I walked away.

My face reddened even more because I knew everyone in the lobby was now looking at me.

I speed walked down the hall, passing by the lounge room, copy machine, and a multitude of offices. I stopped when I saw Sam's name printed on a black and gold placard.

Balling my hand into a fist, I rapped on the door two times. I didn't receive any response. So I knocked once more. Still no response.

Confused, I took out my phone and called his number. I heard his cellphone ring on the other side of the door. Still, I received no answer.

Twisting the door knob, I simply walked in when I realized it was unlocked.

"Sam, we need to-"

I froze, in utter shock at the scene before me. Sam was leaned against the front of his desk, his cheeks flush, his eyes closed, and his mouth parted.

My eyes fell down to the woman- the very familiar woman- on her knees sucking off my husband.

The pregnant brunette scrambled to her feet when she heard my voice, her eyes wide and a guilty expression on her face.

I slammed the door shut, looking between Camille and my husband.

"Baby," Sam called, zipping up his pants after having been caught with his dick shoved down another woman's throat. And not just anyone. His secretary. "It's not what it-"

"Oh, so now I'm baby to you?" He closed his mouth. "I knew you were cheating." My gaze flickered to Camille. I was so enraged. So damn hurt. "I just didn't know who it was with."


"Shut the fuck up!" She didn't say another word, taken aback by my outburst.

She honestly looked like she was going to cry. But I didn't give a fuck. I'm not going to sit here and feel sorry for a homewrecker. Even a pregnant one.

My gaze dropped down to her stomach, and realization dawned on me. I've never actually met her boyfriend. She always had some whack ass excuse about him being too busy. First, he was on a missionary trip in South Africa working with elephants. Then he was Thailand rescuing stray dogs. And then, her most recent one being that he was in Mexico building fucking houses.

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