Chapter 28

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Celeste's POV
I am never drinking again. I groaned, holding onto my head as it throbbed. I'm not even sure the fun was worth it, my head hurt so bad. And the sunlight bursting through my window only intensified the pain.

I was drunk out of my mind last night. I don't really remember much. But I assume Rade took care of me since I woke up safely in my bed. I really hope I didn't say or do anything crazy.

I squinted my eyes as I turned away from the blinding light. A smile spread onto my face when I saw what had been left on my nightstand. There was a little cup with pills, a glass of water beside it, and a vase with a single bright red carnation.

How did he know carnations were my favorite?

I sat up in bed and reached for the little cup containing the white headache medicine. I tossed the cup back before washing it down with the water. Taking another sip, I eyed the carnation. It looked beautiful and fresh. 

How kind of him.

Once the pills finally started to kick in, I took a shower and got dressed. I'd put on a short-sleeved cropped blush pink blouse and a pair of skinny jeans. My hair was left down.

Strolling into the kitchen where I knew Rade would be, I found my plate already made. Pancakes, bacon, and mixed fruit. "Thank you for the flowers," I said, picking up my plate. "Carnations are my favorite."

"I know," he replied, his back still turned to me.

I grabbed a grape from my plate, chewing on it as I stared at Rade in curiosity. "How did you know?"

"Know what?" He questioned, fixing his own plate.

"That I liked carnations."

"Your tattoo," he simply stated before walking into the dining room with his plate in hand.

Oh, right. The dress I wore last night. My tattoo must have been peeking out. I brought my own plate into the dining room and sat down in the seat across from him. "Thank you for breakfast. And for taking care of me last night."

He nodded, cutting into his pancake.

After a brief silence between us, I jokingly asked, "How much did I embarrass myself last night?"

Rade looked up from his plate and shook his head. "You were pretty tame last night. Quiet even. It was kind of peaceful."

I shot him a glare, discreetly checking him out until I remembered that I woke up in his shirt instead of my own last night. "Did you put me in your shirt?"

"You wanted it. So I gave it to you."

My face heated up. My eyes trail over his tatted chest. He wasn't wearing a shirt, which meant he hadn't bothered to put on another one after I took his.

"Do... you want it back?"

"Keep it. My clothes look better on you."

I was as red as the strawberries on my plate. I continued eating, feeling as though I may burst into flames if we continued this conversation about me wearing his clothes. Though I do have to admit that his clothes are pretty damn comfortable. And they all have his smell on them.

More silence passed between us, and I thought we'd end up going the entire breakfast without talking until Rade's deep voice filled my ears.

"I have to stop by the restaurant. Do you want to come?"

Sam is keeping Everly an extra day. I wasn't too happy about it, but I agreed because Everly was having so much fun building forts and watching movies with him. He always made time for his little girl. Too bad he couldn't do the same for me.

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