Chapter 4

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I woke up before Sam did. It was five o'clock in the morning. Exactly one hour before he had to get up for work. And before I had to get Everly up to get ready for school.

That's plenty of time.

Sam had rolled over, his morning wood pressed against my ass. I ground my ass against him, grinning mischievously when I heard him groan.

Then I rolled over so I was facing him. His eyes were still closed. I started leaving feather-light kisses along his cheek and jaw.

"Baby," I whispered in between kisses.

"Celeste," Sam drew out sleepily. "I'm trying to sleep."

I stopped kissing him, but only to run my hand down his chest and rub him through his pajama pants. I felt him pulse against my movements.

His hand swiftly grasped my wrist. "Stop. I have to get up in an hour."

"An hour is plenty of enough time to fuck me."

His eyes slowly fluttered opened, ocean blues staring back at me. "Okay," he murmured. "Come here."

Smiling really hard, I couldn't hide my excitement as I moved my hand and inched closer to him. His hands found my waist, and I was pulled on top of him.

My thighs straddled his pelvis, my core hot and achy with need. All six and a half inches of him were nestled against me, eliciting a soft moan out of me.

He reached for the box of untouched condoms on his nightstand. I shook my head. "No, no, no." He brought his hand back to my waist. "No condom. I want it raw."

I lifted my hip to reach down and pull his erection out of his underwear. I didn't waste another second as I moved the crotch of my panties to the side and sank down onto him.

"Fuck, yes," I cried out. He was buried deep inside me, so full and so hard. I brought my hips up, then down, slamming him back inside me. "Oh, how I've missed you, baby."

Sam grunted, squeezing my waist. "I'm going to come."

"What?" I dropped my head to look down at him. "Not yet. Please, baby. Just a little bit longer."

My movements became more aggressive. I was eager- no desperate to come first. If Sam comes, then this will all be over before it even really began.

I bounced on top of him, hearing how wet my pussy had become. This can't be over. Not yet. Not-

"I can't hold it," Sam breathed. "I'm... fuck, I'm coming."

Sam held me in place, shooting his hot load inside of me. Panting heavily, I internally cursed. I had been so close.

He grunted, his face turning red as he squeezed his eyes closed and let it all out inside me.

Sighing, I watched him orgasm without me before sitting up. I ended up falling off him and back onto the bed. And I just laid there, feeling his come trickle down my thigh.

"That was amazing," he said, leaning in to kiss my forehead.

He reached behind me, -as I was lying on my side- and gave my ass a smack like I had been some quick lay. Then he disappeared into the closet.

I frowned, not sure whether I wanted to cry or use his pillow as my personal punching bag.

Burying my face in my pillow, I groaned loudly. My sounds were muffled by the pillow, so Sam couldn't hear my frustration.

I started beating on the pillow, my groan turning into a scream.

"Hey, Celeste-"

I quickly pulled myself upright, forcing a smile onto my face as my husband stared at me in confusion.

"-what are you doing?"

I tried to play it off like I wasn't just imagining his face as I pummeled the pillow. I proceeded to fluff the pillow. "I was just fixing it," I lied, reaching for the other one just to really sell my lie.

"Oh, okay. Well, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be home late tonight."

Of course.

"Can't you come home earlier?" I asked. "I could cook us dinner." I can't remember the last time we ate as a family. Maybe Christmas. "And then we could watch that one Stars Wars movie you like."

He went back into the closet. "I already have plans tonight, Celeste."

"You do?" I questioned in surprise.

Sam sighed. "I already told you this, Celeste. I'm having dinner with my boss and secretary."

I don't remember him telling me about any of this. And if he did, I must not have been listening.

"Well, can I come?"

He came out of the closet fully dressed in a suit slighter darker in color than the one he wore yesterday. This one was more of a deep gray.

He stood in front of the vanity mirror above our dresser and worked on tying his tie. "You can't. It's a business meeting."


I watched him leave the room, sadness washing over me. For the rest of the hour, I lay in bed, scrolling through cute animals on Instagram and playing candy crush before I had to get Everly up.

After making sure Everly was dressed, we went into the kitchen where Sam was drinking his coffee and staring at his phone.

Everly hopped up onto the open stool beside her father while I fixed her a bowl of cereal. Lucky Charms were her favorite.

I twisted the cap back onto the milk and put it back in the refrigerator. When I turned back around, Everly was pulling her bowl towards her.

"Thank you, mommy."

"Of course, bunny."

She turned her attention to her father and decided to give him a recap on the sleepover she had with Zoe.

I didn't say a word as I grabbed a white mug from the cabinet and poured myself a cup of the hot, black liquid. Leaning my back against the counter behind me, I simply watched as happiness took over Sam's face.

The last time he smiled at me like that was when he was promoted to COO of the company he works at, and I told him how proud I was of him.

Getting him to smile was so easy back then. Now, it's like he's afraid his face will crack if he so much as lifts his lips.

Sam stood up, grabbed his bag just like he does every morning, and kissed Everly on her head.

"Have a good day at school." She smiled, listening to him whisper,"I love you, " before looking up at me. "I'll see you tonight. Love you."

"Love you too," I stated dryly before he walked out.

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