Chapter 27

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Rade's POV
It didn't matter what she wore. It never failed to make my dick hard. Uncomfortably hard.

I ended up going right back in the shower after she left. I thought standing under the cold water would help, but my thoughts of her in that tight dress kept getting in the way.

So I fisted my cock until I came and the tension finally subsided. And then I stood under the shower an extra twenty minutes as if that would somehow rinse thoughts of her from my mind.

It didn't work, of course. And I was hard all over again. I kept picturing her smile and how her doe eyes look up at me like I'm the most beautiful fucking thing she's ever seen.

No one has ever looked at me the way she does. Woman stare at me like I'm a slab of fucking meat. They want to fuck me. And when they realize I'm worth more than a night of passion, they want a relationship out of me.

I haven't dated anyone since college. It was a terrible break up with my ex. She wanted marriage and kids as soon as we graduated. I didn't. Felt I was too young.

But I'm twenty-eight now, and wouldn't mind having a wife and a couple of little ones running around. It would be nice to come to a family instead of an empty house all the time.

It's why I told Celeste her and her daughter could stay as long as she wanted. I liked the company. She's still a pain in my ass. Her and Everly are a bunch of nosy chatterboxes. But it's nothing I haven't been able to handle.

I started stroking my erection roughly, eager to come again. I was uncomfortable, and Celeste was the cause. I thought about that smile of hers. Those brown eyes that light up whenever she's invested in something.

I wanted to know what that would be like with her on her knees before me. Looking up at me with that same expression, waiting for my dick to fuck her mouth.

Damn it!

I shouldn't have let her leave looking as good as she did. I should've thrown her over my shoulder and tied her to my bed. I would've kept here there until every inch of her body had been claimed by me. I fuck her so good she'd be addicted. Her legs would lose all function, and she'd have no choice but to spend another day in my bed. And I wouldn't let her leave. Not until my smell was burned into her skin forever.

I slammed my hand down on the marbled tile before me, letting the freezing cold water run through my hair.

I wanted her. I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to make love to her. I wanted to give her everything she deserved. I wanted her happy. I could make her happy. I know I could.

Sam Hendersen fucked up. Aside from his little girl, he lost the best damn thing in his life. All for some work pussy that I'm sure didn't compare in any way to Celeste's.

I could tell just by looking at her that she knew every damn button to push to make you lose your damned mind. The thought of being hers put a smile on my face. I like being in control, but I wouldn't mind letting her use me like her own personal fuck toy.

"Fuck," I groaned, jerking myself until another load spurted from the head. I watched the shower rinse it down the drain, a sigh escaping me.

I almost went with her to the club. I don't like leaving her alone. She's too oblivious to the dangers around her. She needs someone to protect her. To keep her safe. She needs me.

I suppose she wasn't really alone. Her friend was with her. Although kind of annoying, she seems to have a good head on her shoulders. I can tell she's just as protective of Celeste as I've become.

When I was done, I stepped out of the shower and returned to my room. I dried myself off there and put back on the clothes I had just put on before I saw Celeste in that dress.

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