Chapter 45

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Rade's POV
Naked, entangled in each other's arms while she slept. It was a moment I'd fight for every fucking day. Watching her sleep, looking so peaceful and content lying in my bed enveloped in my arms. 

She looks so innocent. Like an angel. Except, I was the only one who truly knew what this angel was capable of. I mean, I should know since I'm the one who fucked it out of her. Countless times.

I probably looked like a fucking creep despite my somewhat pure intentions. Her gorgeous hair splayed over her bare body, her glowing skin a reminder of last night. Fuck, I couldn't look away. Her lips were still swollen from when I sucked and kissed them. I licked my own lips, remembering how sweet they had tasted.

My eyes trail up to her flushed cheeks and closed eyes. There wasn't a single part of her I hadn't become obsessed with. Ace would laugh in my damned face if he could hear me now. He'd never believe how domestic I've become. Cooking for her. Fucking her. Cuddling her. Coming home to her to tell her about my day and listen to her tell me about hers. Not to mention how I'd do absolutely fucking anything for her.

I can't really say I didn't know this would happen. The moment I laid eyes on her, I had known.

I gently brushed her hair out of her face and leaned down to plant a kiss on her forehead. She smelled like me. A very primal part of me was proud. It confirmed she was mine.

Celeste shifted, a soft, sleepy moan filling my ears. My cock leaped. I chuckled to myself. How quickly I lose control when it comes to her. I don't know how I was able to last as long as I did. Once I knew what it felt like to be inside her...

"Rade," she whispered, drawing me away from my thoughts as I stared down at her. Her eyes flutter open and I swear my fucking heart does a cartwheel. "You're still inside me."

The realization that I am, indeed, still buried inside her doesn't register until I feel her warmth tighten around me. Reminding me of its presence, and forcing me to acknowledge the fact that we had fallen asleep with my dick deep inside her.

I nuzzle my face in the crook of her neck and breathe out a, "Don't tell me to pull out." It's very much a plea, the desperation in my voice prominent. I don't want to leave. I like it here.

"But I have to pee," she whispers back, circling her arms around me because she, too, doesn't want to leave. 

I lift my head to look at her, noticing the way her nose crinkles. She wants to stay tangled like this longer but her bladder won't let her.

Much to my dismay, I pull out of her and untangle myself from her arms and legs. We're going to have to get up at some point anyway. Everly will be looking for us soon. And while I don't care who sees us together, Celeste isn't comfortable letting her daughter or anyone know about us.

I get it. I wish I didn't, but I do. She just got divorced and doesn't want her daughter getting confused. While I'm not exactly trying to be a stepfather, -maybe one day- Everly could get her hopes up. And if something were to happen between me and her mother, God forbid, that little girl will be crushed. Again.

She walks away from me, naked, sexy, and empty of my cock, and I huff a breath of frustration into my pillow. "Fuuck." I'm a mess. I already miss her and she just left.

A slow smile appears on my face when she's back in my line of view a moment later. Only she's no longer naked. I had been so busy waiting for her return that I hadn't realized she'd taken a shower and gotten dressed.

Celeste is wearing a baby blue sundress with brown buttons centered down the dress. She's cleaned up, her once frizzy hair brushed into a sleek ponytail and she no longer smells like me and sex. All evidence of last night has been erased.

I frown at the sight of her. She's fucking gorgeous. And yet, all I want to do is tear her out of her clothes. To mess her up until she's back to her original state. I like her better that way. All fucked out and holding on to me.

"Leaving?" I question.

She nods. She already told me she was heading out to meet up with Andi. They are planning to spend the day together. Which I didn't mind when my schedule was booked and busy. But most of my meetings have been cancelled and anything I needed to get done at the restaurant was taken care of yesterday.

"Come here," I murmur.

She doesn't hesitate, the command like second nature to her. I grab a hold of her waist and pull her back into the bed with me. A flurry of giggles rush out of her. My lips find her neck, kissing and licking until the skin is red.

"Rade!" She gasps breathily, pushing on my chest. "Someone will see that."

"Mhm," I hum, targeting her neck a second time. I manage to mark her neck with another love bite before she escapes from my grasp.

I sit up, finding nothing wrong with what I've done. She huffs, her fingertips lightly grazing over the bruised markings. Her teeth pierce her lip. She's annoyed, yet loving my art at the same time.

"Looks like you're going to have to stay here," I say, feigning disappointment.

She catches on to what I was trying to do and shakes her head. "Rade," she says with a small smile. "As much as I'd love to stay in bed with you all day, I miss my bestfriend."

"You saw her a few days ago."

She approaches me, grabbing my face in her hands. My face is squished as she cooes, "Aw, you need me. You're so adorable." 

Annoyed by her teasing, I jerk away from her. "Adorable is for babies and puppies," I grumble. Just like that, my mood has been ruined.

It's not her fault. I'm just fucking needy.

I honestly don't know what the fuck I'm doing. Maybe it's a good thing she's spending the day with Andi. Perhaps my fucking balls will grow back.

"Oh, baby. Don't be like that."

She's enjoying this. She can't even pretend like my needing her doesn't put the biggest smile on her face. The things this woman brings out of me. Never would I ever imagined I'd be begging a woman to stay after a night of fucking. I suppose she is my roommate so the circumstances are a little different.

But then I've never wanted anyone more than I do her.

"You want me on my knees, baby? I can do that. Because when it comes to you, I have no fucking issue kneeling."

Her smile stretches and for a second, it appears as though she may give in. But then she says, "I'll make it up to you when I get back."

"Fine," I drawl, defeated. She leaves a kiss on the corner of my mouth before leaving. Sighing deeply, I find myself actually wondering what I'm going to do without her all day.

As if on cue, my phone rings. It's Ace. I pull the device off the charger and answer it. "What?"

"I don't hear from you in days and this is how you treat me?" He makes a tsk sound with his mouth.

My eyes roll. "What do you want, Ace?"

He loses his playful tone. "Looking to blow off some more steam?"

I had every intention of declining Ace's offer, but another fight might be exactly what I need. Since sex isn't on the table at the moment, I was in desperate need of another outlet.

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