Chapter 34

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The cold liquid spilled down my shirt. I was freezing, and the rain wasn't helping..

"God Damn it! Watch were your going." I said shivering and picking up my phone from the ground.

" Julia?" A dark male voice said.

"Yeah, i know I'm a model, you know me what do you want an autograph?" I asked, annoyed as hell.

Why can't people just leave me alone. "Gia, how have you been?" He asked.

God, he acts like he knows me.. I just want to go home! Wait! Did this guy just call me Gia? Only my personal friends and family call me that! Oh my fucking god... Is it- No it can't be him... I looked up grabbing my phone, wallet, keys , and empty coffee cup from the ground, and - Holy shit.

"Zayn?" I said, staring at his tall figure. He looked tired? He looked worn out, and upset. Like he's been crying for ever.. It surely could't have been me that caused him all this pain, could it?

"Julia, listen why don't we go to my car and i can take you home to get cleaned up?" He said.

"Home? Zayn in case you havn't noticed that place you call our home, I moved out of there.. It's yours..." I said madly walking past him, to find my car in the parking lot.

"I'm sorry it just slipped out, I just miss you, I want to be with you.." He said grabbing my arm trying to turn me around.

" Zayn Stop! I am not yours anymore, don't touch me! Just leave, leave me alone.. God, you made it perfectly clear you didn't want me after I said I loved you, and you said " Maybe a popstar like me shouldn't be with a girl who has been a mess for the past year."

He looked mad. I hate him, all that love I had for him vanished but every second I see him it all comes back. But stronger.

"Listen Gia, I'm sorry I screwed up, I made a mistake and I just want a second chance."

"Zayn after I said I loved you, you walked out on me and didn't come back! You didn't even try to apologize! That's why you can't have a second chance. You left, and when I finally came to terms you wern't coming back. I had no choice but to move on- "Gia let me explain!" - "No don't interrupt me let me explain, and quit calling me Gia, Zayn you can't call me that anymore! I had no choice but to move on and start over, I had to try and learn to be strong again. Because for 1 whole year I was depressed I lost 5 people I loved in the same fucking month! I lost ever strength in me and I want anything but to get that back." I said madly walking to my car in the pouring rain.

Both of our outfits and hair were drenched. "WHY DID YOU WALK OUT ON ME ZAYN?, WHY!"

I screamed flipping around so I was facing him. I started running to my car and he was right behind me, the paparazzi chasing behind, probably hearing everthing we said..

" ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!, Why did you leave me that fucking night , I said I loved you!" He looked angry, and he was drenched running behind. He stopped beside my car, and i stopped to look at him. I was only giving him one more second before I jumped back in my car and drove off.!



He didn't answer, he just whispered something, that i couldn't here.

" Speak up Zayn!' I said annoyed.

"I was scared you were gonna reject me, when I finally opened up to you. I thought you were gonna leave me, because all my life I was player. Running from one girl to the next. Allways breaking hearts, hurting people. I have never liked anyone like i liked you! I knew that scared the hell out of me." He yelled back. What was he scared of though.

"Zayn im not understanding what kind of rejection would you face? What were you gonna tell me.." He looked annoyed as fuck, but at this point I didn't care as long as I got answers out of him.

' I WAS SCARED TO TELL YOU I LOVED YOU!" He screamed, turning so quickly it made my heart stop. Did he just say what i thought he did? Oh my.. I need help. My heart was racing and he was running to his car. I thought quickly and started to catch up, when he was only 15 feet ahead. I didn't know what to do..

" I love you too.' i said hoping he'd hear. He stopped dead in his tracks and stood staring at the car in front of him. He made a swift move and turned around walking towards me. I couldn't move I was too nervous.

"That night when you told me you loved me, I got nervous and I reacted quickly not knowing what to do. I would have said I love you back but I was scared to say it. I spent every night after that for months beating my self up over it." He said walking towards me.

My heart was beating so fast. "Zayn, I love you, and I want to give you a second chance. But i want you to know, that if you walk out on me again. I will never speak to you, ever. I couldn't bare to see another person I love leave. Not now, not ever.'

I walked inches closer till our faces were too close. I stepped in till fill the gap and we kissed. Our mouths colliding, creating sparks like the forth of July. Papparazzi snapped pictures and we pulled apart laughing, rain showering over us. But we did't care, I knew truly and deeply that I love the man standing in front of me. I knew I was gonna be with this man forever, why? Because he was the only one that made me happy in the worst possible situations. He knew how to take care of me when I was down, and I knew he would never leave me again.

" Do you rememeber how you said you wanted to be strong again?" I nodded.

"Well Julia, you have been killed so many times by bad things that, that expression 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger' Belongs to you. Babe, you are one of the strongest people I know."

He was right. I guess I was strong all along and I didn't even realize it.

" Babe, your what makes me strong." I said getting back in out car and driving back to our "home". Like i said from the beginning,

When something bad happens you have three choices: You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you.

I don't know about you, but I choose to be strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2013 ⏰

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