Chapter 14

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"Thanks." I said. Laying back in the couch.

"Hey, wanna go down to the snack machine down stairs, and grab food?" I asked.

"Sure lets go, let me

Just grab my phone." I said.

He opened the door for me, and we started walking down the long hall. I turned around once. And notices a guy mid 40s walking behind us slowly. Didn't think anything of it... 10mim later we were Turing a corner and that guy was still behind us.

"Zayn don't look now but there is a guy following us. In the black hoodie with the hat on." I said whispering in his ear.

"Okay stay close by me." He said back.

This was getting scary I couldn't go know where anymore without fans, paparazzi, or follower/stalkers. Know body new this but, I have an older brother. I don't see him much. He's 24 and he's a navy seal. He doesn't come home much, on my birthday, and Christmas. I haven't talked to him since 2 years ago. Last I heard he was in the army in Pakistan. Before he left to train when I was 15 he taught me alittle kickboxing/ Fighting/ self defense. So I can kick ass pretty good. But I'm not suppose to do it unless its an emergency he said. We aren't aloud to have contact with him until 10 days from now which will be January 20th, 2012. We walked to an elevator and hopped in. Zayn pressed the L (lobby) button and clicked the close door arrows as much as he could. But the guy caught up and jumped in the elevator as well.

I grabbed my phone and texted Anna.

Me: hey where you guys at?

Anna: oh hey, just finished Olive Garden, gonna go to movie theater with the boys.

Me: oh, sorry me and zayn left I got sad. I'm staying at his house tonight. Don't wait up for me, it was a

Anna: ok, no funny business!:) JK see you Tomorow maybe, we can all meet up at mall?

Me: sure, be great gotta go creepy guy stalking us! Lol love ya Anna:)

Anna: be safe:) blow the rape whistle if he comes close! JK love ya too bye!;)

I closed my phone and chuckled at Anna's comment. Rape whistle was a joke. We watched "pitch perfect" together. It was an inside joke.

I looked over at zayn who was worried tapping his finger on the wall.

I watched as the numbers went down on the screen.

-Floor 20-... -Floor 19-

And so on.

This guy was starring me down In the corner.

I was getting worried.

So I spoke up being my outspoken self.

"What is your problem dude?" I asked the creeper.

"Are you Julia Ford?"

He asked.

"Yes why?" I asked

He unzipped his long jacket revieling a big navy uniform.

Like my brother use to have.

"Hi my name is General Evan Grant, I am here to inform you that your brother Sargent Gram Ford has been shot." He said deeply and sad.

"Excuse me?" Zayn said, confused looking at me and the general.

"Zayn I have another brother I never told many people about, he's a Navy seal." I said whispering to Zayn.

"General, is my brother okay?" I asked worried.

"I'm afraid he is in critical condition.He is held at LA hospital."

"Oh my god. I need to see him." I grabbed zayns hand and we flew out of the elevator. I ran outside of his apartment building, and I called a taxi.

We hopped in and I gave him the address.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"He is my only family left. I haven't seen Gram since I was 15, he left for the army." I said, tears rolling down my cheek.

"Don't worry, he'll be ok." Said zayn.

The car came to the stop and I ran throughout the emergency doors.

"Hello ma'am how may I help you?" And old lady in scrubs asked.

"I'm looking for Sargent Gram Ford." I said.

"Floor 1 room 07."

I nodded and we rushed down the hall. To a room with doctors observing my brother. He was stretched out in a hospital bed unconscious.

I ran to his side and grabbed his hand. He looked older. He was very built from all the training.

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