Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning with a massive hangover. Completely forgetting I had a photoshoot with a band. My first day of running my dads company! This is not going to end good. Me holding a big expensive camera, and taking million dollar shots of a famous band, I didn't know the name of yet. Just great.

*2 hours later*


After prepping and priming for what seems like ever. I had came up with an awesome outfit, pretty hair, and expensive makeup lightened on my face.

I had long straight brown hair down to my boobs. My white skinny jeans hugging my butt, and my flowy cheetah top hanging on me perfectly. I looked sexy!

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door leaving Anna asleep in her room. I was making millions of dollars a week with my dads business well I guess

It's now my business since my dads dad,

Back to it. I made so much money there was no need for Anna to work since I was making enough money to take care of us forever. Anna just hung around home. I pulled up at the beach. Where I was suppose to meet the crew to do a photo shoot for this band. Hopefully they were girls I was not in the mood for guys today. I walked up to a entrance with a sign saying 'LA beach 5'. Very fancy...(Sarcasm.) I walked out to the beach to see.. A big cameras set up by the water. A group of 5 guys. Which I guess was the band. Another group by the cameras, which were the crew. People tanning on one side. Another groups of teens tanning but peeking threw there sun glasses at us all being nebby. Another group of fans who must have made a track on the band. To know there every move. Dedicated fans if you must. Then a big string blocking none crew members or none celebrity. I walked up to a guy who had 2 people following his every move. He looked like the guy in charge. Right?

"Hello." I said loud enough for me to hear him.

"Oh hi who are you?"

He asked rudely. He had buck teeth. Eww.

"I'm Julia Ford."

"Oh your the dead guy bill fords daughter."

He said meanly.

Since I was now the owner/ head photographer of this business I did what any angry 17 year old girl would do.

"Listen up Buck teeth! Yes I am the girl who's dad owns this business. And from my dads will I'm the owner now. That means I'm in charge. I want to be treated with respect from now on, and you obviously don't have that. Get out of my sight! Your fired." I said getting in his face.

He looked blown away. Well a lot of people get that expression when I tell them off. I'm a 5'7 girl. I'm tall for my age. I've Been told I'm beautiful, which I don't believe. And It's not every day that a beautiful girl has the nerve to tell you off. I do. He stomped away down to the beach entrance knowing he wasn't winning this argument. I have an idea. I whipped out my phone and speed dialed Anna. "hey Anna, I kinda fired my co photographer so since you have a little background with cameras you think you could fill in for him?"

I asked softly. Anna's had a short job for 1 month with my dad just so she could earn enough money to buy a Gucci purse she wanted

"Since you payed for my way down here, and you let me stay with you, yes. I'll be over in 10 Gia." She said.Gia was my nickname from Anna and my mom. Good this is going to be a fun job with Anna here. See Anna looks pitete but she could beat someone up in a minute. And I look like a stuck up brat but as long as your nice to me I will return the niceness. I walked towards the 2 other people who didn't have that guy to follow around anymore. "Hello Im Julia Ford, your new Head photographer." I said swiftly shaking all there hands. "Hi I'm Aria." Said a pretty blonde. "And I'm Violet.

Said another pretty girl with hair like Ariana grande but it looked way better on violet.

"So what are your jobs?" I asked

Aria spoke up "I'm the makeup artist for the celebrity, and I also get there clothes ready.For them to wear for the shoot." Then violet said "and I'm the hairstylist." This will be a good team. " Ok, As you already know my dad was the owner of this place but now I am. Since the accident, and Anna should be here now she's my co photographer." They knodded. "Ill be back I'm gonna go great the clients." I said. I walked down the beach alittle to find 5 handsome looking boys from where I was standing. I kept walking. As I got closer to the I was closer to there fan base.

The girls recognized me and went wild screaming my name asking for pictures. The boys saw me and stared. "Hi I'm Julia ford your photographer for this evening." I said warmly.

One had blonde hair, the other had curly brown, another was wearing stripes, the one looked nice taking pictures with everyone, and the last one was. Oh my god. It was zayn Malik. The guy from the club last night. How is this possible I keep running into him.

Zayn realized it was me and said "it's you, from the club."

"Yepp that's me, Julia I'm sorry, I never caught your name?"

They all formed up to tell me. The blonde started. "I'm Niall, Niall Horan." He said

"I'm Louis, Louis tomilson." Said stripe.

"I'm Liam, Liam Payne."

Said goody two shoes.

"I'm harry styles." Curly said grabbing my hand and kissing it. Zayn looked mad.

"And I'm zayn, zayn Malik." Said lover boy.

"We'll as you all know I'm Julia, but you can call me Jules or Gia."

I said. They all spoke at the same time "we'll call you,Gia."

"Ok let's start the shoot, up where those 3 girls are." I said.

This is going to be a long day.

*1 hour later*

After making them look better than what they had earlier, they were complete.

"Alright boys, this shoot I was told Is for your next album. So management wants it to look normal like 5 boys on the beach having fun." I said continuing "Just have fun, play around, push each other around, put your feet I the water. I don't care as log as I get a good shot for the album. Number one rule don't talk to me. Don't talk at all, have fun silently don't move your lips, smile. Okay?" I asked

"Yes Gia." They said in unison.

"Good get going." I said.

Paparazzi had already managed to snap a bazillion pictures.

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