Chapter 21

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I shook my head then walked past all of the people looking at me and zayn. I walked down the hall alittle then stopped. I realized what the lady just said. I have to go hear what Grams will was, what he gave me, what he wanted me to know, and what he gave to others when he left this world. I turned around looking at the boys, anna, adrianna, and the bodyguards.

"Im going to the front desk to hear Gram's will. You can all stay here. It will only take a minuete. I asume its a letter so ill be right back." They all nodded and took a seat in the chairs. I walked to the front desk and said "Im Julia Ford i need Gram Fords will."

The nurse nodded then handed me a big envolpe. I took it then walked back to them. All eyes turned to me when they saw me with the envelope. I took a seat in one seat across from all of them, so i was facing them. they all remained quiet as i opened the envelope.

"Im gonna take a minuete to read his will in silence. I will give it to you all to read later if you wish. Is that okay?" I asked. They all nooded fastly. Where they scared of me? Better be.

I slowly opened up the envelope all eyes on me. I pulled out the first thing. A letter. It said..

Dear Julia,

Your reading my will which means, oh shit im dead. Well atleast i leave this crazy, hectic, world knowing two things. One I fought for our country, and two I left you with Anna. Tell Anne that im sorry when I was alive, I didnt ask her out. I didnt have the guts then. But tell her one more thing I love her, and that I hope she finds love like I did, and that she will go far. theres something I need to clear off my head. I am so sorry I wasnt there for you when mom dad, and our little bro died. I feel awfull about it but, I needed to fight for this country like dad did you know hold out the Ford legacy. Unfortuanetly I died doing it, so what thats what I signed up to. Julia, I left you my apartment in Germany, which has my Bently, and 5 million dollars in it. I know money cant buy love but I at least owe you that stuff since I wasnt there for you when you needed me most. Theres one last thing I need to tell you. You rememeber when they pronounced Eva dead, when she was 21? How they said that drunk driver hit her? Well last month I got a text from her saying "Gram?" Yeah I know what your thinking. Weird. Mom and dad knew about the text but we didnt tell you or Jeramy because we didnt want to get your hopes up. We hired an investigater and they found a lead. That drunk driver did hit her but she was amediatlly sent to the nearest hospital. She had memory loss and she doesnt remember any of us. So she started a new life. Litlle by litlle the doctors said she would regain her memory. Well I got that text and they said she would start to remember names from her past. So im guessing she started remembering my name. My last favor I want you to do is find our sister Eva. She is now living in Santa Monica, California. Its been 1 year since they pronounced her dead so she is now 22. Look for her, make her remember you, bring her back Julia. Your a smart beautiful girl,and I love you to the moon and back. I dont know how this world goes but im sure one day in the future I'll maybe see you. In heaven? Probably. Youll do great in life, and I know youll go far.What am Stay humble through all the pain, and know I am always looking down at you. Make me proud Julia Katrina Ford. I may not be with you anymore but life must go on and so will you. Try and remeber me? I love you. Goodbye Baby girl.

-Gram Markus Ford. Your dearly beloved big brother. I can even be funny when dead. HAhah

I looked up after reading his 5 minuete letter remebering his sence of humor, and good heart. Wow. His words brought plenty of tears to my eyes. All of them looked at me with crazy eyes, wondering and wanting to know so badly what i just read. "Hold on, theres more inside the envelope." I said.

I opened in again to find a box pulled it out of the envelope. They all crowded around. There were two boxes I opened them up. The first one had 'Gucci' written on it. I opened the little box to find a little braclet that had the infinity sign on it. It was cute but simple, something I could wear everyday to remember him by. I turning it around and saw on the other side it said. "Stay strong" Those two words made me break down. I coulnt help it. Stay strong was something we said after bad things happened. Everyone starred at me. I opened the other box to see an exact replica of mine. I understood this one was for anna. I looked up tears dropping out of my eyes making my vision blurry.

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