Chapter 3

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 I texted my good friend, and she agreed to come pick me up, maybe she'll get here soon so i don't get murdered.  

After a few moments of awkward silence and intense staring at each other we decided to finally speak. "I'm Damon." He said smiling at me.

"Not to be rude or anything Damon, but it's kinda creepy that you're out here in the middle of nowhere."

"You're one to talk. You're out here all by yourself." 

"Ya, it's Laguna Beach nothing bad every happens here." He looked at me kinda questionably as if asking in his mind the reason why I'm walking alone, so i decided to answer for him.

"My boyfriend dumped me." I said looking down.  "About what, may i ask?" 

"He never really gave me an explanation, and i never asked.. I just threw my drink in his face and he left. We've been dating since our freshman year. I guess we just had enough of each other, their wasn't even a big argument on it."

"And you don't want him anymore?" He asked.

"I don't know what i want.."     He rolled his eyes, " That's not true, you want what everybody wants."

"So Damon, tell me. What is it that i want?" Now he has me interested. 

"You want a love that consumes you. You want Passion, and Adventure. And even a little bit of danger." Each word that came out of his mouth, the closer he stepped towards me. I was frozen, i didn't know what to say. A car horn honked in the distance and i turned around, "That's my friend." I said, and when i turned back around he was gone. 

 "Get in girl!" Anna said rolling down the window to her Range Rover

"Whats wrong with you? You look like you just seen a ghost." She said laughing. "I just met this guy, he was so handsome, and he had all these good answers and i turned to see if it was you coming and he just vanished. " I said and she started laughing really hard. "Good one, Elena."

She thought i was joking? My phones buzzing woke me up from my deep thoughts. 

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi Ms. Gilbert, I'm Sheriff Lockwood, I have some news that i have to tell you but i think it would be best if i told you in person. Could you come down to the Police Station or do you need me to send a Sheriff to pick you up?"  I was shocked, what possible could it be.

"I can be their in 5 minutes, is everything okay?" 

"Ma'am please just come quick." He said with what sounded like sorrow in his voice? 

"Who in the hell was that?" Anna asked laughing. "We need to go to the Police Station now!"

As soon as we walked in we were escorted to this Sheriff Lockwood's office and they made me sit down. He walked in and his smile faded.   "Ms. Gilbert?" I shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you sir." I said politely. "Yes, i just wish it wern't under these circumstances.." 

"What, explain to me what you mean." I said getting annoyed.

"I got a call an hour ago from a police station in England, apparently your parents and brother were in a car accident. I'm very sorry." 

"Oh my god, are they ok? Can i go see them?"

 "Ma'am i don't think your understanding. Your brother unfortunately suffered from A Brain Hem rage, he lost a lot of blood and died on the scene. Your mother was ejected from the car and was hit by oncoming traffic. Your father was brought into the hospital, but when he came in we didn't realize how bad it really was. I'm sorry but they all passed away."

Suddenly it seemed as all the walls around me were closing, it was getting hard to breathe and my heart was racing. 

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned. "Can i have a minute please." I said walking out of the room. I grabbed onto the wall outside of the room and just kept walking slowly towards the exit. The tears were flowing so fast out of my eyelids that i could start to feel my shirt getting wet. 

I passed a concerned Anna in the hall who stood up quickly, "Elena!! What is it?!" She asked grabbing my arm. I just ignored her and kept walking, my breathing was heavy and before i knew it i was falling onto the ground outside of the hospital.    I felt someone grab me and swoop me into the arms. 

I started waking up again and I could see a black haired man with blue eyes holding me. "Damon?"  I asked in a raspy voice.      "Hello again, i take it you've had a tough night huh?" He said giving me a sad look.   The memories all came flooding back from the night before. Oh my god. My mom, dad and brother are all dead. What am i gonna do? I'm all alone. 

A few hours later Damon left, he gave me his number and said to call me when i got out of here. I still have to ask him what he was doing here in the first place. The police wanted me to speak with this man about my parents "will" that they left me. So now here I was sitting in a room with a man i've never met going to tell me what my dead parents left me behind. 

"So Miss. Gilbert, your family supposedly owned the famous Ford Photography company am i right?" "Yes." I said.

"Well It says here that they left you their house in your name and 25.1 million dollars from that company, you also got 3 of their cars. A range rover, a Bentley,and a motor cycle. Since you are 17 years old you are going to have to live with someone, do you understand?" 


"Okay, i'll give you 24 hours to figure out what  gardian you will live with, they have to be over 21 and if you don't have any relitives we will put you in foster care until you turn 18. Please sign here. and here, and here." 

I sat up and walked out with Anna parked out front waiting for me.

"Take me home." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Look Elena I'm really sorry about your"- "Don;t, Please," I said not wanting to hear it.

She dropped me off and i got inside, i closed the door and it hit me. The realization took over that My whole family is gone. All just gone.

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