Wisdom From a Father

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"So, (Y/N)..." I glanced over to my left, raising a brow in question. "What're your plans after high school."

I blinked a couple times, pursing my lips as I thought of an answer. "I don't know... I haven't gave it much thought."

"Seriously?" I brought my attention back, locking my gaze with theirs. "(Y/N), final exams are in a few months. You need to figure out what college you want to go to."

I let out a sigh, closing my eyes. "I know Yumi..." I gathered my bag, slinging it over my shoulder as I stood up from my chair. "I just— I can't picture myself doing anything." I turned my gaze over to Yumi. "What about you, then?"

"Me?" She placed a finger on her chin in thought. "I figured I could become a chef." She let out a giggle as a few arms appeared from her side. "After all, all these hands could come in handy, don't ya think?"

I let out a chuckle at her childishness as she waved the arms around, two sprouting from the ground, lifting the bag off the ground and up onto her shoulder. "Yeah, I suppose so. You could become a whole kitchen staff alone with all those hands."

"You bet!" She cheered, the arms disappearing as she balled a hand into a fist. She stood from her chair, confidently. "I'll be the best damn chef anyone's ever seen!"

I held my stomach laughing harder as I saw the steam flow out of her nose. "If you say so..." Once I calmed my laughter down, I gave her a cheeky smile. "If that's the case, I better be your favorite customer."

"Of course!" She beamed, turning to me. "I'll even name a dish after you!"

I let out a sigh as she adjusted her bag, falling in step beside me, as we walked out the building and to the entrance of the school. "I wouldn't go that far..."

She turned to me, giving me a wave as she began heading off in another direction. "See you tomorrow!"

I gave her a wave back, making my way down the sidewalk. I tilted my head up, looking to the sky as I walked, feeling content. As I walked, I began to ponder what Yumi asked me. What do I want to do after high school...?

I frowned slightly, bringing my head down to look at the concrete beneath my feet. As I tried to think of anything that could come to mind, I was brought out of my thoughts as a hand gripped tightly onto my arm, pulling me.

I let out a gasp as a hand was placed around my mouth, seeing I was pulled into an alleyway. I heard a snicker as I was brought around to face a group of men. I glanced around seeing there were five men, six including the one holding me.

"Damn, she's a looker."

"She looks even better with that uniform on!"

"Ain't we supposed to be on a mission?"

"Yeah, if we don't report to-"

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure we got time."

As they kept talking amongst themselves, I noticed the looks they were giving, on top of what was said, giving me the idea of what they wanted. Feeling pressured, I squirmed in the man's grip, trying to loosen his grip on my arm.

"Whoa, take it easy, we ain't gonna hurt cha... well, unless you give us a reason too." The man talked into my ear, causing me to flinch as his breath hit the side of my neck.

Finding it to be of no use, I went with plan b and bit onto the man's hand, causing him to pull it away with a yelp. Taking the opportunity, I slammed my heel onto his foot, turning and jabbing my elbow hard into his stomach, feeling his grip on my arm disappear. Once I was out of his grip, I stepped away as far as I could, facing all of them.

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