First Mission

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"So, (Y/N)..." I tore my gaze away, looking over to Jun'ichirō. "What brought you to the Agency? It's not everyday we have people wanting to work here."

I looked at each one of them, pondering my answer. "Well... a few years back a friend of mine, Yumi, said I'd be a great detective and I figured I should go for it."

"Yumi?" I turned to Yosano, seeing her lost in thought. "Do you happen to be talking about kishimoto Yumi?"

I gave her a nod. "Yeah..." I trailed off before widening my eyes. "Now that I think about it, she told me she knew someone who worked here. That was you?"

She let out a small chuckle. "What do you know, small world. Yeah, her mom and my mom were great friends growing up."

I let out a hum in response. "She mentioned you were a doctor for the Agency."

"That's right, all thanks to my ability." She smirked. "Thanks to 'Thou Shalt Not Die', I can treat any external injury-"

"Yeah, but you almost kill your patients in the process." Jun'ichirō, along with Kenji and Kunikida, shivered at the thought.

I let out a surprised gasp, turning to the boy. "What?"

"You see, my ability only works when someone is fatally wounded. So in order to treat minor wounds, I have to fatally wound my patient or they have to be half-dead for me to treat them." Yosano answered, shrugging a hand into the air as if it wasn't a big deal.

"(Y/N), I advise while you work at the agency, to never get injured." Kunikida advised, pushing up his glasses.

"Speaking of abilities, do you have one Miss (Y/N)?" Kenji spoke up, arms behind his back, leaning forward.

"Oh, yeah I do, as a matter of fact." I smiled, glancing to the boy. "I'm able to take one's physical strength, turning it to my own." I beamed.

"Woah, really?!" Kenji gushed, stars in his eyes. "Cool!"

I let out a chuckle. "Yeah, it's called 'Beast From Within', but it seems I have a limit to how many people I can use it one at one time." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"That so?" Dazai asked.

I turned to him, nodding. "Yeah, seems I can only use it one about six people at a time..." I trailed off.

"There a specific reason why?" He questioned.

I shook my head. "Not sure, I tried to use it on a seventh person but it didn't work... I'm guessing that was my limit." I shrugged, getting a hum in reply.

"Well, I'm sure it won't be a problem. Who knows, maybe you can strengthen your ability along the way." Yosano spoke up, pondering her own suggestion.

I gave her a smile. "Yeah, maybe."


I sat in a vacant chair, looking to my two coworkers that I am to be training under. One typing furiously on a laptop, the other not having a care in the world.

I couldn't help but wonder why these two were paired together. Just from the couple hours I've known them, it seems to me that they don't get along. They're complete opposites.

I failed to notice Kunikida's absence, until I was snapped back to reality from his voice. "Dazai, (Y/N), we have a mission."

I jumped slightly, blinking before looking to Kunikida. "Already?"

He nodded his head. "Yeah, seems some local thugs have been causing trouble around town. The police are unable to handle it, due to the ringleader having an ability."

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