Making Progress

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Over the past couple days or training with Dazai and Kunikida, the two would often instruct me or correct my fighting style as I sparred against Dazai. Occasionally going against Kunikida to increase my hand-to-hand combat ability.

Now, I was able to hold a fair fight against the bandaged man versus being thrown on my back after a few minutes. I let out a huff as I jumped back, dodging Dazai's leg as it came around to swipe at my feet.

Though Dazai was holding his punches, he told me each time we fought to come at him with the intent to kill. At first I was hesitant, not wanting to go all out because this wasn't the point of this training, but I began to realize that if I didn't I wouldn't weaken him.

Dazai had amazing stamina and if I didn't give everything I had into my attacks, this training would drag on forever. Hell, I'd probably tire out before he did, seeing as how not only was I fighting Dazai but I was also using my ability to draw on Kunikida's strength.

Although, this time, I wasn't using that strength to my advantage but trying to transfer it to someone who can nullify my ability, weakening me in the process.

I rushed forward, bringing my arm back to throw a punch as Dazai brought a hand up to catch it, blocking my attack. Not hesitating, I brought my other hand and punched Dazai in the stomach, knocking him back a couple steps as he let go of my hand.

"Good, you're not holding back anymore." Dazai stated as he straightened his posture. "I think I even felt your punch a little that time~"

Ignoring his comment, I went forward once more. I kept up the same routine of throwing punches and kicks at Dazai while he either dodged them or blocked them skillfully, frustrating me.

After a few minutes, unexpectedly, I managed to knock Dazai down after swinging his feet from up under him. Dazai let out a surprised gasp as he hit the ground, stopping me in my tracks.

I stared down at the man for a few moments, lowering my fists as I processed what just happened. "About damn time!" I exclaimed, pointing down at Dazai. "I just knocked you on your ass! Payback is a bitch!" I began laughing.

"(Y/N), stay focused on what you're supposed to be doing. You can gloat about it later." I heard Kunikida speak up from his spot where he sat on the grass.

"Oh- right!" I blinked, focusing back to the task at hand. I turned to Kunikida, activating my ability on him. Feeling his strength entering my body, I then turned towards Dazai, raising a hand up.

Receiving a nod from the man, I closed my eyes. I thought about the past few times I've attempted this during the past couple days, focusing on the energy I felt flowing through my body.


"It's getting late. We'll pick this up again tomorrow." Kunikida told Dazai and I, stopping today's training.

"Damn it! Why isn't this working?!" I groaned, rubbing my head as I heaved a heavy sigh. Once again, I tried using my ability to transfer the energy to Dazai, however I never felt it nullify, telling me it wasn't working.

"(Y/N), when your ability is active, you said there are appendages that latch onto others, correct?" Kunikida asked, walking up to the two of us.

I glanced over to the man, nodding my head as I dropped my arms beside me. "Yeah. Picture it as arms that are invisible latching onto you, slowly draining the strength out of you."

Kunikida let out a hum. "Do you feel any different when this is happening?"

"Now that you mention it, I can feel the energy flowing into me all throughout my body." I told him, placing a hand to my chin.

"(Y/N). Tomorrow when you try again, I want you to focus on that energy and imagine it flowing from your body and into your arms." Dazai spoke up.

I brought my attention to him, raising an eyebrow. "You think that'll work?"

Dazai picked his coat up from the ground where he laid it earlier. "Don't see why not."


Taking in the advice Dazai gave me yesterday, I imagined the energy flowing into my arm, feeling a warm sensation spreading towards it. Okay, I got that to work... now what?

I furrowed my eyebrows as I contemplated, when an idea clicked in my head. I began to imagine the energy flowing from my arm and into my hand before flowing out of me and through the appendages that stretched out towards where Dazai was.

Surprisingly, I could feel it leave my body, but still felt it as it traveled through the appendage, as if it were still inside me. Which I guess made sense, seeing as how these appendages are a part of me.

Just as that thought went through my mind, I felt the energy suddenly disappear, along with my ability. Snapping my eyes open, I glanced over to Dazai, who stood up, smirking.

"Did... did it-" I cut myself off, tilting my head to the side, unsure.

"Well done." Dazai staid, causing my eyes to widen. It worked? It really worked?!

Grinning, I fist-bumped the air. "Yes!"

Kunikida wrote in his book before closing it, glancing up at us. "Now that we know it's possible, how do you intend on testing out if it is successful?" Kunikida pushed his glasses up, looking at Dazai for his answer.

"I'll talk to the president about it and see what he wants to do." Dazai replied, looking towards Kunikida. "After all, we still can't risk the fact of (Y/N) losing control"

I nodded my head. "He's got a point. We know it's possible after just now, but I don't know how to control it. I don't want to hurt anyone based on chance."

Kunikida let out an agreeable hum. "I say we stop for today, don't want to push our luck."

"Sounds good to me, I'm beat!" I exclaimed, sighing out in exhaustion. "That really took a lot out of me."

"Looks like this won't be something you can use very often." Dazai concluded, to which I shrugged.

"I'm going to head back to the Agency. There's a few things I need to do." Kunikida spoke up, turning to walk up the hill. "I suggest taking a day to rest tomorrow before we speak to the president."

"You don't have to tell me twice." I said, glad that I can be lazy tomorrow.

Dazai stuffed his hands into his coat pockets. "We should be going too."

Nodding my head, I followed him as we made our way back to his apartment. Once we made it back, it was then I realized how normal this was now.

It's only been a few days and yet it felt normal being in Dazai's apartment, as if I've lived in it for years... hell, I even had clothes here.

"Since it's pretty late, I figured we just order takeout." Dazai spoke up as I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room, having finished showering.

Glancing to where Dazai sat on the couch, I walked over and sat down myself, seeing Chinese food sitting on the coffee table. He must've ordered it as I was showering.

I shrugged my shoulders, grabbing one of the containers. "Sounds good. Haven't had Chinese in a while." Dazai nodded and turned on the tv and threw on a movie to watch as we ate.

Published: 06/01/2024

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