An Alliance

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"What happened to the energetic, young hero, who just helped save this town from the brink of destruction?" Kunikida asked, staring down at Dazai, who was lying on the couch.

Dazai turned his head away, whining. "The boss has me lined up for this new job and I don't wanna..."

"New job? Already?" I questioned.

"Is that the same one Atsushi and the boss were talking about yesterday?" Kunikida asked, lifting a brow.


I jumped slightly from the sudden voice, turning my head to see it was the President. Dazai sat up as Kunikida settled into his saluting stance. "Good morning, sir."

I stifled a laugh at the man's constant need to be serious. "Dazai, what's the status of that meeting with the Port Mafia?"

I widened my eyes at what the President said, turning my gaze to Dazai as he replied. "Made the arrangements." This is the job he was talking about?

"Do you think their boss will come?" The President asked him.

"I'm positive." Dazai nodded in reply. "It's the perfect opportunity for him to kill you, after all."

I glanced back over to the President, who closed his eyes as he walked off. "I prefer that to having bloodshed amongst our people."

"Hey Dazai..." Kunikida spoke up, causing me to glace over to him, as Dazai just groaned in disapproval. "WHAT'S THIS SECRET MEETING WITH THE PORT MAFIA ALL ABOUT?!"

I widened my eyes as Kunikida fumed, glancing at Dazai. "I have to admit, our little Atsushi's idea has really snowballed. Since the Guild is now our biggest threat, we decided to-"

"W-W-W-W-W-WAIT!" Kunikida stopped Dazai, holding a hand out, scratching his head. "Totally lost here... FIRST OF ALL, WHY ARE YOU THE ONE ARRANGING THIS MEETING?!"

Dazai turned to Kunikida. "Because, I used to be with the Port Mafia." He replied simply, as if it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Huh...?" Kunikida made a confused grunt.

"Oh-! Did I not tell you that? My bad." Dazai told Kunikida, not caring about the bombshell he just dropped on the poor speckled man.

"WHAT?!!!" I watched as Kunikida grumbled to himself, walking off. Something about talking to the President for confirmation.

I let out a sigh, bringing my gaze to Dazai. "Did you really have to go and do that?"

"What? It's not like there's any point in hiding it anymore." Dazai shrugged, closing his eyes. "Besides, he would've found out eventually."

"Speaking of the Port Mafia..." I trailed off, crossing my arms. "Do you think this meeting is a good idea?"

"Hm? What do you mean?" Dazai tilted his head.

"I mean, with their track record with the Agency, plus Atsushi and I being targets, is it really smart to meet up with them?" I asked, pondering the situation. "They could decide to attack us once we show up."

"You do have a point." Dazai sighed, resting his chin upon his hand. "But I don't think they will. With the President and myself present, Mori won't make a move."

"If you say so..."


Dazai had sent Kōyō Ozaki, a Port Mafia Executive that was our prisoner, back to the Mafia with a note from the President about the meeting that will be held in a couple days time.

In the meantime, the rest of us took a couple days to recover from the recent battle. I spent most of the time heading to the hospital and speaking with my father to keep him company.

But in the EndWhere stories live. Discover now