You like....Me?||ch-2

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"Stop being a buzz kill Vernon, I'm gonna be fine." Joshua said, standing in front of his closet, the door open as he looked for clothes to wear for the party.

Joshua's day had gotten even better when he saw his friend, who, in the morning was coughing up a storm, was now feeling better. He told Vernon everything. He expected him to be happy, which Vernon was. He was happy that Joshua was finally interacting with someone other them him, but he was also worried because the person Joshua was interacting with was Yoon Jeonghan.

"I'm not, I'm just worried. What if you get in trouble or get hurt? It's Jeonghan after all." Vernon said. He was sitting on his bed watching Joshua just observing his closet.

"I'm not a kid ok?" Joshua signed and turned around to look at his friend in annoyance.

"I know, but you also don't know the things that brat has done" Vernon said looking at Joshua deadpanned. "This is why i tell you to join in our gossip but no, you never come." he said to Joshua. He could tell Joshua was getting more annoyed by the second

Vernon had this friend called Seungkwan who kept him updated about the school, especially the five troublemakers. He had asked Joshua to join them multiple times but everytime Joshua would not come. His excuse? He's not interested. Maybe he should be

"I don't care about that ok? What if he's actually nice?" Joshua defended himself and turned around facing his open closet again.

"I doubt that" Vernon responded picking up his phone

"Can you be happy for me for once?!" Joshua was about to burst with anger. He couldn't understand why Vernon was worrying soo much

"I am. Just be careful." Vernon replied calmly, putting down his phone

Joshua sighed. He looked at Vernon who still had barely any emotion on his face "I will." Joshua smiled to which Vernon responded with a smile too. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I know you're just worried for me." Joshua looked down feeling guilty.

Vernon got up from his bed and headed to his friend. "It's ok." Vernon patted his his head as comfort. Joshua looked up and smiled at him. They both stayed silent for a moment until Joshua spoke up, "Can you help me pick out my outfit?"

"Of course." Vernon replied, smiling


"How's this?" Vernon asked. He was standing behind Joshua who was standing in front of the mirror, checking out his outfit

"It's...." Joshua stood there still looking at his outfit. He finally responded "it's nice." He smiled "i didn't know you had such good fashion taste." He said in a teasing tone while looking at the other from the mirror.

Vernon slightly poked his side earning a squeel from Joshua.

Joshua stood in front of the mirror admiring his outfit for the last time befor leaving.

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