Second date||ch-3.2

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"....and then he dropped me off." Joshua said, telling Vernon about yesterday.

As Joshua progress the story, Vernon's mouth became wider. He couldn't believe his ears what he was hearing. It took him a moment to process it all after it was done.

"So you almost kissed?" Vernon asked, much more calm then usual which worried Joshua

"Uum, yeah" Joshua replied scratching the back of his head

"Wow all of that on the first date?" Vernon asked still shocked. Joshua could only laugh feeling embarrassed

"Where are you guys going today?" Vernon asked

"I don't know. He says it's a surprise." Joshua replied. He was about to speak more but the bell interrupted him, signalling that lunch was over. 

They both looked down at their lunch boxes, realising that they barely ate anything since they were so busy talking

"Well, mom's gonna kill us." Vernon shrugged his shoulders and packed his lunchbox

"Nu-uh, only you. She loves me." Joshua replied confidently. Vernon just glared at him

"Well see you tomorrow i guess." Vernon said going to his section. He knew he won't be able to talk or hang out with Joshua since the other already has plans made for the entire week. A part of him was still suspicious of all this sudden dating but then again, nothing bad has happened. Yet.

They both waved bye to each other and went to their respective classes.


"You seem very happy these days, what's the matter?" Tyler, Joshua's co-worker asked while they both were cleaning the tables

Joshua just smiled and said, "nothing"

Tyler just got more suspicious. He was curious to know what was going on with the other. You'd think these two are good friends since they work together but no. Joshua has always been treated well by the other staff and the manager because of his nice nature. That's what made Tyler annoyed. Why didn't he get the same treatment? Maybe because he doesn't know how to be nice to others or see other people happy. He has to ruin it somehow.

They got done with their work and parted ways. A part of Tyler still wanted to know what was going on so he decided to rome around the area for a bit, away from Joshua's gaze so he wouldn't notice him.

Joshua waited at the park just like yesterday. He knew picking this place as their meet up spot everytime would be bad because Jeonghan will get suspicious sooner or later. He didn't want Jeonghan to know he worked at a cafe nor that he lives in a shady appartment. He thought it would ruin his perfect relationship he has going on but right now it was the least to his worries. He was just excited to meet Jeonghan and see what the other has planned.

A couple minutes later Joshua saw Jeonghan walking to him with his usual smile.

'He looks so good in that shirt' was the first thought that came into Jeonghan's mind as he saw Joshua

'He looks so good in that shirt' was the first thought that came into Jeonghan's mind as he saw Joshua

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