New couple?||Epilogue

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Joshua stood there in shock. He couldn't believe the words he was hearing form his best friend

"So you're telling me you and Seungkwan are dating?" Joshua said after finally calming down

Vernon awkwardly smiled. He couldn't understand if Joshua was surprised or upset but he definitely wasn't against it.

"Since when?" Joshua asked

"Uhh a week.." Vernon replied while scratching the back of his head. Joshua's mouth just opened wider

There was silence until Joshua himself onto Vernon and swung them around in joy.

"I can't believe this! I'm so happy for you!" Joshua said while still swinging them around

Vernon giggled at the reaction. If Joshua was happy, he was happy.

It didn't take long for both of them to lose their balance as they both fell to the ground while laughing. Like idiots, they kept on laughing on the floor for no apparent reason. After a good amount of time they both finally calmed down and decided to sit back on the couch.

"So what was that you wanted to tell me?" Vernon asked. He didn't need more confirmation that Joshua supported his new relationship

"Ohh....yeah" Joshua said. "Jeonghan actually wants you to meet him." Joshua exclaimed

Vernon's face instantly dropped. Something about Jeonghan always made him mad.

"But it's for a good reason!" Joshua quickly reassured him after seeing the others quick mood change

Vernon raised an eyebrow. What about Jeonghan can be good? Joshua just showed him a smile to tell him that it was ok and Vernon nodded as a response


As they both were walking in the basketball court, Joshua couldn't help but feel nervous. What was Jeonghan planning?

Once they got there they saw five other people there with the two of them. It was Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Mingyu, Wonwoo and Soonyoung.

The five didn't waste time and started frivolously bowing down and apologizing after Jeonghan cleared his throat.

It was a hilarious sight to watch. Five of the most powerful and richest people in school, continuously bowing down to two people who were known as the side characters of someone else's story. Joshua and Vernon couldn't help but laugh.

Hearing them laugh, the other five also stopped to look at them. They were confused as to why were Joshua and Vernon laughing.

"It's ok you don't have to do that." Vernon said in between his giggles

Hearing the positive words from the other, the five became less tense

Vernon was not a person to forgive people easy, especially if it was for Joshua. But even though the five troublemakers looked really funny, you could tell that they were very apologetic. This honesty and sincerity with the mixture of stupidness made Vernon realise that maybe there was some good in these five people.

They let out a sign of relief once they saw Joshua and Vernon smiling at them as if telling them that they forgive them.

"Uhh.. would you guys mind hanging out with us?" Seungcheol asked. Joshua and Vernon looked like nice people to hang out with so it was worth giving it a shot

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