Fifth date||ch-3.5

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"Why did you lie to him?" Vernon asked

"I had no other choice! What if he leaves me?" Joshua continued to cry more

It was early morning. They got up early to prepare for the test they had today but ended up with Joshua pouring his heart out to Vernon. And Vernon being the nice friend he is, ditched his studies and decided to comfort the other.

"Listen ok," Vernon said putting his hand on Joshua's shoulder. Joshua looked at him, teary eyed. It made Vernon more upset.
"Just tell him when the right time comes. I'm sure he'll understand. If he's been so nice to you then he will definitely understand your point of view." Vernon said softly

Joshua smiled. They stayed in silence until it was time to leave for school.


"I'm not joking, I swear." Jeonghan said laughing at his friends reaction.

"How did you even get all this information?" Cheol asked, confused as ever

"I just asked him. Easy." Jeonghan shrugged his shoulders

"Wow." The table went silent after Mingyu said that.

As always they were catching up on eachother during lunch. They didn't have time to get up early nor did they want to. Practically all of them slept at 1:00 am so who would expect them to get up early.

"Alright well that's cool," Wonwoo said packing up his bag "lunch is about to be over so I'm gonna go now."

"There's still 5 minutes left. Why are you leaving so early?" Soonyoung asked

"Well you know Mr. Kang? He got mad at me yesterday because I was 5 minutes late. He also gave me detention for no reason. So this time I'm leaving 5 minutes early" Wonwoo explained

"Your logic makes no sense but ok." Seungcheol said looking at Wonwoo, deadpanned

The bell rang 5 minutes later. They went their separate ways. Soonyoung and Jeonghan's class was next to eachother. As they were saying bye to eachother, Soonyoung said "Don't forget The Dare by the way." He went to his own section after saying that

'The Dare Yeah. How could I forget that. It occupies my mind 24/7. Why did i decided to do it in the first place? How will Joshua react when he'll find out? Will he cry? Will he get mad? I don't wanna do The Dare. I like Joshua. I like him too much to hurt him. He'll hate me forever if he finds out. Why do I love him?' Jeonghan sat in his seat, head in his hand. The day was coming closer and he was fighting with himself. He was fighting with his feelings. He didn't want to do The Dare but if he doesn't he'll get humiliated by his friends. If he does he'll loose Joshua.


Joshua was uncomfortable. He kept feeling like someone was staring at him. He wasn't wrong. It was Tyler. Tyler was glaring at him like he was about to kill him. Joshua felt unsafe. He didn't even realise he was done with his shift. 'is he not gonna ask me to do something?' Joshua thought, quickly packing his stuff while still being on guard.

He left the shop and took a deep breath. Free. He was finally free. Aside from the constant pain that he lied to Jeonghan. Not a small lie but he lied about his whole life. How was he supposed to tell Jeonghan about it?

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