The truth is...||ch-4

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⚠️tw: self harm⚠️

It was Sunday. The school had announced the dates of the summer break. They were for a month and a half. Jeonghan and his gang had one last practice of basketball today before they bid farewell to the school for 45 days. Jeonghan had texted Joshua to company him during practice and Joshua being the nice boyfriend his his, agreed to. Except Joshua didn't know that today might be the only day he'd regret hanging out with Jeonghan.

Joshua sat on the bleachers while watching Jeonghan practice. He had a proud smile on his face seeing Jeonghan play so well. Once the practice was over Joshua saw Jeonghan coming to him. He was covered in sweat. Joshua stood and walked towards Jeonghan as well, handing him the towel he was holding.

Jeonghan took the towel with a cold expression and it didn't go unnoticed by Joshua

"Are you ok?" Joshua asked sweetly

Jeonghan didn't look at him. He still had a cold expression on his face as he wiped his neck.

Joshua's face became more worried. He frowned as he looked at Jeonghan who never acted like this before 'maybe he's just tired because of practice.' Joshua thought.

Jeonghan threw the towel at Joshua after wiping his sweat. Joshua was surprised by the others action but didn't question much. Jeonghan then went to the seat where his bag was and started packing his stuff. He did so while Joshua followed behind him, still holding his sweaty towel.

After Jeonghan was done packing his bag, he signed and looked at Joshua. 'You can do it Jeonghan.' he braced himself for what he was about to do. From the corner of his eyes he could see his friends waiting for him at the exit with grins on their faces so he needed to make it quick. He mentally prepared himself and spoke "Listen Joshua,"

Joshua looked at him with his bambi eyes which only made it more difficult for Jeonghan.

Jeonghan took a deep breath and said "We're over." He looked at Joshua with dead eyes

Joshua was shocked at what Jeonghan just said. He thought he misheard Jeonghan so he asked "What?"

"We're done. We were never even dating in the first place." Jeonghan said.

"What-" tears started to from in Joshua's eyes as Jeonghan's words kept repeating in his mind "What do you mean?"

Jeonghan signed. He needed to act tough. He needed to act like he didn't care but deep down he wanted hug and kiss and hold Joshua as tight as he can. "I know this might sound weird but we were never really dating. You see," Jeonghan mover closer to Joshua "I was just dared to date you. The only reason i asked you out is because I lost a bet, that's all. The truth is," Jeonghan paused before saying "No one would date such a disgusting and pathetic person like you"

Joshua's eyes widened. Was he hearing this correct? He was about to say something before Jeonghan spoke again "You really thought we would work out didn't you? Me, Yoon Jeonghan, the most popular and rich person in school dating someone like you, a poor, homeless pathetic bitch" Jeonghan chuckled. "Sorry i guess." He shrugged his shoulders, picked up his bag and walked towards his friends.

Joshua just stood there, bewildered. He was lost for words. He didn't know what to do. He just stood there, processing it all in.

As Jeonghan walked towards his friends he felt a burning sensation inside him. He hated it. He hated what he had just did. Jeonghan ignored the pain he was feeling and just kept walking towards his friends. 

"Dude you were so cool!" Soonyoung said lightly hitting Jeonghan's shoulder

Jeonghan gave an awkward smile. They left the building while talking about Joshua, obviously. It hurt Jeonghan more seeing his friends talk bad about someone he loved but there was nothing he could do about it.

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