I like him||ch-5

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The summer break was going better then expected for Joshua. Except for some sleepless nights here are there, he was feeling good. His life was going normal. Tyler stopped bothering Joshua as much as he used to when Vernon started coming and Tyler was also given a warning by the manager that if something happens again, he will loose his job.

While Joshua's life was slowly getting better, Jeonghan's was getting worse. It was visible that the other was not being able to sleep or eat or do anything properly. He always looked like something was bothering him.

There were only ten days left until the break was over so the group decided to rome around the city and visit places they've not been before. They found a cafe called 'Sunday morning cafe' it looked very aesthetically pleasing form the outside, decorated by flowers all around and the inside was lit by fairy lights. They decided to spend their evening there.

Joshua was way to focused to even here the cafe bell ring. It was not until Tyler lightly hit his shoulder and pointed at a group of people sitting at the corner.

"Go get there order." Tyler said, his voice bland

Joshua looked at the group of people. He was lost for words as he noticed the people in the group. It was none other then the five troublemakers of school.

Joshua's eyes landed on Jeonghan. He was sitting in the corner and not to mention, he looked soo handsome

Joshua thought he got over the other after what he did but turns out he was wrong. Joshua still loved him. How could he forget the times he spent with Jeonghan. They were one of the most happiest and freeing moments of his life.

Joshua quickly put a mask on so the others won't be able to see his face. He took a deep breath and went over to the table where they were sitting.

He cleared his throat and said "Hello! What would you guys like to order?" He said in a cheerful voice, changing his tone a little so it didn't sound like him.

Joshua's heart started to beat out of his chest when the other five looked at him in sync. He was mentally praying they don't notice Joshua's identity otherwise it would give him a harder time in school. Luckily Joshua's prayer were answered as they didn't question much and just decided to give Joshua their orders.

One by one they said their orders as Joshua wrote them down in his notepad with shaky hands. It was until Jeonghan's turn to give in his order that there was silence between them for a good amount of time for everyone to notice.

Jeonghan was just staring at Joshua blankly. He didn't know if it was actually Joshua or not because of the mask but was certain because the cafe was across the park where he would pick Joshua up for their dates.

"Yo are you gonna order?" Seungcheol said waving his hand infront of Jeonghan

Jeonghan shook his head and blinked a couple of times before saying "Y-yeah I'll get a Matcha frappuccino" he didn't know why he said that but remembering that it was Joshua's favourite drink, the name just slipped out of Jeonghan's mouth.

Joshua was shocked but didn't question it. 'you don't care about him Joshua.' Joshua kept convincing himself. He quickly went back to the counter and took of his mask, breathing a sigh of relief

Jeonghan's eyes still followed Joshua as he went back to the counter and once he took of his mask, Jeonghan's eyes widened. Is this why Joshua picked the park as their meet up spot? Jeonghan's eyes then went to Tyler who was now standing beside Joshua. Jeonghan lowered his head. He was feeling mixed emotions. Seeing Tyler so close to Joshua made him feel weird and seeing Joshua work here with Tyler made it even weider. 'Did he lie?' millions of questions were going in his head and he was dying to get their answers.

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