Please forgive me||ch-7

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Joshua turned around and his breath hitched. He felt as if he was choking. He was short on breath as he saw the man standing infront of him with his head lowered. It was Jeonghan.

There was silence. No one said anything. Joshua just stared at Jeonghan as the other waited for nothing.

After a while, Joshua finally said "What do you want?"

His voice sounded cold. It felt like someone kept putting a needle into Jeonghan's heart. Joshua's voice was the needle while the person hammering it in was himself. His own guilt.

"I came here to say sorry." Jeonghan responded. His voice sounded as if he would burst into tears any moment

"What?" Was all Joshua could let out. He wasn't sure if the other was being serious or not knowing that this apology he was making was for something he was very unserious about, their fake relationship.

Jeonghan felt himself breaking apart hearing the coldness in the others voice. "I'm sorry." He said in the most genuine tone he could let out.

Joshua was not having any of it. After all that? There was no way he would believe the other so easily. First, Jeonghan faked their relationship and his love. Second, he humiliated him infront of his friends and now he thinks he can make it all better by just saying sorry. Joshua even went to the limits of crying for the other because of a small lie. He was even about to take his own life and while Joshua was finally letting go of his past and starting over, Jeonghan decided to ruin it all by making the past ten days hell for him. Safe to say, Joshua was not gonna except the apology. He knew giving Jeonghan another chance would not make a difference. It would just make him look like a fool and it'll only make his life more difficult.

"Ok, and?" Joshua harshly said. It was about time he would stop being the nice guy

Jeonghan looked at Joshua with wide eyes. He's never heard Joshua so cold before. Usually the younger was very soft spoken and sweet but today he felt like a completely different person. It would be an understatement to say Jeonghan was shocked to hear such a tone from the other.

Joshua had pure rage in his eyes as he looked at Jeonghan. He raised his eyebrow, indicating Jeonghan to continue on with his stupid apology.

Jeonghan came back to his senses and took a deep breath before saying "I'm sorry for how I treated you and," he paused as he prepared himself for what he was about to say next "and to be honest, I actually love you Joshua." He showed a sincere smile "I know I'm the biggest dick for not telling you this before and making you suffer but I promise that I do truly love you. I've loved you from the start but I was just a coward. My feelings for you were never fake. If you can give me a another chance I'll make sure to give you every bit of happiness in the world. And this time I won't hide, i promise. Please forgive me Joshua." Jeonghan pleaded while looking at Joshua straight in the eyes

Joshua had an unreadable expression on his face. It looked like a mix of range and sadness. He was wonderstruck by Jeonghan's apology and confession and wanted to forgive him but a part of him was still very doubtful. What if he's lying again? What if this is just an act? Questions like these romed in Joshua's mind. He still had some self-respect in himself and he didn't want to loose that. He knew that one slip up and he could go back to his previous lifestyle of just being used and treated like trash. He was way down in the deep end to trust someone so easily again. Especially it that someone was Yoon Jeonghan. He finally made up his mind.

Joshua gaze turned cold again as he looked at Jeonghan. It looked like the younger was throwing daggers at the other.

Joenghan hopes dropped seeing the change in Joshua's face.

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