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As they were driving home Jeonghan couldn't help but worry for Joshua. He might be safe today but what if he's not tomorrow? What if Tyler isn't truly gone? What if Tyler tries to hurt him again? With instincts, Jeonghan tightly grabbed Joshua's hand.

Joshua looked at him in confusion. Jeonghan wasn't facing his direction and was only looking out the car window but Joshua could tell the other was worried about something.

"Everything ok?" Joshua asked in his sweet voice

Jeonghan signed. No he was not ok. He looked at Joshua and cuddled him closer.

A small smile appeared on Joshua's face from the action. He nudged his nose on Jeonghan's neck, taking in his scent.

"I don't think you should work at the cafe anymore Joshua." Jeonghan straightforwardly siad

Joshua looked up at him, confused. Why was Jeonghan suddenly talking about this?

Jeonghan looked back at Joshua with worry in his eyes. "It's not safe. Just live with me and I'll keep you safe forever" Jeonghan proposed.

Joshua was shocked at the sudden request. He agreed with Jeonghan that the cafe nor his apartment was a safe place but he didn't want to be completely dependent on Jeonghan. Joshua would love to be with Jeonghan for forever but he also wanted to be stable himself.

"I can't." Joshua simply let out

"Why?" Jeonghan asked

"As cliche as it sounds, I want to live for myself and and not be dependent on others anymore. I want to work hard and succeed with my own efforts Jeonghan." Joshua said, almost pleading

After hearing what Joshua had said Jeonghan just fell in love with the younger even more. It was like each day his love grew ten times more for Joshua.

Jeonghan smiled then said "Ok, but we have to find you a new and better job and a better place to stay at. I'm not letting you go near those places."

Joshua smiled as well. He was happy that Jeonghan understood his reasons for denying his offer. Joshua nodded as a response and they cuddled closer again, completely forgetting the existence of the drivers.


Once they reached home Jeonghan opened the front gate, letting Joshua go in first. Joshua took in the sight of Jeonghan's house once again. It was still massive as ever. Guess fate really did brought them together as Joshua was back at the place where it all started.

It didn't take long for Jeonghan's parents to come running to him when they saw their son enter the house with a bruise on his cheek

They asked him a million questions. How did this happen? Who did this? When did this happen? At one point Jeonghan's mom started to question Joshua but Jeonghan was quick to come to his defence.

Joshua just watched as he felt a lump in his chest. He saw how Jeonghan's parents were so worried for their son, offering him many things to treat his bruise. Joshua wished he had parents like that. He felt his tears coming but he somehow stopped them

Jeonghan noticed and quickly made an excuse to drag Joshua with him to his room. As they were walking Joshua saw the familiar door. The whole scene of Jeonghan confessing to him for the first time played in his head again as he stood infront of the door.

Once they got inside Jeonghan locked his room and hugged Joshua tightly. It didn't take long for the younger to burst into sobs.

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