Solutions are Needed||ch-8

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At this point Joshua didn't feel safe going to work. He wanted to stop working there but he still had to pay his rent. The owner of the apartment he was at was nice enough to give him a few days extra to pay his rent. Joshua wanted to tell the manager about it but there was no proof. He couldn't just accuse someone of assault without proof. That'll make him look like an attention whore.

School wasn't great either. The worst part was group projects. Why was it even called a group project if they were gonna do it in pairs. Shouldn't they call it a pair project? Well atleast the teacher was picking the partners so Joshua didn't have to go awkwardly asking people to be his partner.

The worst happened.

"And lastly, Yoon Jeonghan and Hong Jisoo, you two will be partners." The teacher said out loud

Great. Now Joshua has to be partnered with that idiot.

"Everyone change you seats without much noise. I'll be back in five minutes." The teacher said then left.

As everyone was changing their seats to go sit with their partners, Joshua eyes went to find Jeonghan but he was no where to be found. Before Joshua knew it, Jeonghan was at his seat with his bag. He didn't look at him but just stood there, awkwardly.

Joshua quickly made room for Jeonghan to sit. After everyone was settled, the teacher came back and announced their topic for the project.

"You guys will have to make a power point presentation on The vast variety of nature. You will have a week to make it. Make sure to put effort into it as it will be half of your grade."

Discussion began in the classroom. While everyone was chatting Jeonghan and Joshua stayed quiet.

It was not until Joshua spoke up to break the silence "let's just get this over with."

Jeonghan looked over to Joshua for a millisecond then looked back to his notebook "Sure."

They started discussing as if they didn't had a fight just a couple of days ago. Joshua was quite skilled in this topic so he decided to take the lead.

"I'll get the information and you make the presentation?" Joshua asked

Jeonghan just nodded. He didn't have the courage to talk to Joshua.

They worked on it until the last bell of the day rang. They had gotten quite alot of progress already. The presentation might be done in three days only.


Joshua took a deep breath before entering the cafe. When he entered he saw no one around. This was exactly what he wanted. He came extra early today so Tyler's face wasn't the first thing he saw.

He went behind the counter and put his apron on. He took out his phone and put his earbuds in and listened to music.

The cafe looked so beautiful like this. There was no one around. No people calling him every second. No Tyler that would bother him. It was so quite and peaceful.

Joshua's personal heaven was ruined when he saw someone enter. It was none other then Tyler. Joshua tried his best to ignore him but couldn't when he felt a hand slither across his waist as Tyler passed by him to go to his spot.

Joshua felt shivers down his spine from that action but decided to ignore it. Ignoring it will help right?

It didn't.


Joshua was just praying for someone to come and save him. Luckily his prayers were answered as the cafe bell rang. It was Vernon. Joshua felt a little relieved when he saw his best friend

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