Character development||ch-6

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The ten days flew by very quick. It was like the break had just started yesterday but was already about to end. Tomorrow was school and neither Jeonghan or Joshua wanted to go. After seeing eachother at the cafe, neither of them had the courage to face eachother.

The four were waiting at the cafeteria for their classes to start. Jeonghan wasn't there with them as he was late. He barley got any sleep the entire summer break so it was excepted for him be late on the first day.

Normal conversations were just going on between them when suddenly Wonwoo decided to bring something up "Did you guys know Jeonghan actually likes Jisoo?" He asked straightforwardly instead of beating around the bush. He knew he could've asked them this during the summer break but he kinda forgot about it

Everyone looked at him and said one by one


"Wasn't that obvious?"

"Did you just found out?"

Wonwoo looked back at them, confused. "You all knew about this?" He asked

"I don't know about them but I knew." Seungcheol said refering to Soonyoung and Mingyu

"I knew it a long time ago but just didn't bring it up." Soonyoung exclaimed

"Isn't it so obvious though? When did you find out?" Mingyu asked

"Uhh like ten days ago?" Wonwoo said

"How?" Seungcheol questioned

"I just asked him and he told me." Wonwoo shrugged his shoulders

There was silence between them until Soonyoung suddenly burst into laughter. Everyone looked at him confused as he tried to say in between his laughter "You-" he wheezed "your telling me we all knew but didn't tell eachother. Why did we do that?" Soonyoung again burst into laughter

Everyone started laughing at eachothers stupidness. It was not until Jeonghan came, looking completely wasted as he walked towards the group.

They all pulled him in and laughed harder looking at Jeonghan's confused expression

"What's happening?" Jeonghan said looking at everyone

As they calmed down they explained the reasoning for their laughter. Jeonghan just listened to them and he couldn't help but laugh as well. He felt relieved that his friends reacted like this. Instead of teasing him or making fun of him, they just found it funny that everyone knew but just didn't tell eachother.

Once they fully came back to their senses, Seungcheol asked Jeonghan "Why didn't you tell us before?"

Jeonghan smile dropped into an awkward expression as he said "I was unsure of how you would react"

Mingyu playfully hit the back of his head and said "Oh come on, we're not that mean."

"Um yeah we are." Soonyoung said

"No we're not" Mingyu defended himself

"Well we did just ruin someone else's entire summer break just because we were board." Seungcheol shrugged his shoulders

Realisation hit all of them hard. Now thinking about it, while they were making the plan for The Dare none of them were in the right senses. They were just board and sleepy at the time and decided to make a stupid plan. Half of them even forgot about it for a while. Yeah they were wrong for doing something like this to Joshua but that didn't mean they weren't nice people at all. They've always helped the teachers at school. Cheated during exams so the other person could pass even if that ment that they would be sent to the principal's. There were many bad things about them but that was because of some reasons. The reason why they were mean to some was because of the false romours spread about them. Because of the stalking and violence. People thought they had the right to treat them like this without karma coming for them.

Unfortunately everytime the other five did something about the situation, they would be framed in the wrong way. Like they were the bad guys. It kept happening for years until they finally decided to give up and accept it. There was no point as the damage was already done. The only times they would get violent was when needed but it didn't solve anything.

They kept silent knowing that they were becoming what the other people wanted them to be. Bullies. They never bullied anyone. They just defended themselves but there was alot of misunderstandings going on always making them look like the bad guys. It was true that their way of defending themselves was wrong by beating up others or playing with them but they were not to be blamed. The school didn't do anything about it and just used the five because they came from the rich.

"We should apologise to him." Seungcheol stated to which everyone nodded.

They thought of a way to apologise to Joshua. It was better late then never right? Their plan was that Jeonghan would first talk it out with the younger then the other four will. All now they could do was hope that their plan would work. They felt guilty for hurting someone for their own enjoyment when that said person never even came their direction.

The bell rang and the students rushed to their classes. Jeonghan entered the class hoping to find Joshua and he did. Joshua was sitting in his usual spot. The top left corner. The younger was wearing the same thing he wore on the day when Jeonghan first approached him. A black oversized hoodie and blue jeans. Jeonghan wanted to talk to Joshua right then and there but couldn't as the teacher walked in the class. He quickly went to his spot which was the top right corner and tried to focus on the class. Occasionally, he would glance at Joshua only to find the younger with an unamused expression.


It was lunch. Lunch was a period where the students would feel a little bit of freedom from the rules and regulations of the school. They would have the freedom to talk without any teacher scolding them for talking to loudly. They would have the freedom to laugh with anyone. They would have the freedom to walk around instead of sitting in those painful chairs. Lunch was by far Joshua favourite period. He felt free. He felt at ease. He went to his usual spot to eat but as he was going he walked past his locker to find a note

I hope you don't mind if I eat with Seungkwan today.


Joshua read the note and smiled. Sometimes he felt like he was holding Vernon to himself as he always hung out with him. He was happy Vernon was having time for himself.


Joshua sat down on the bench. He wasn't in the mood to eat so instead he just took out his phone and took pictures of the beauty around him. Nature was his only hope that there was still good in the world otherwise why would god make such a beautiful planet.

Joshua suddenly felt a presence behind him. He shivered at the feeling. As he turned around his eyes widened. He saw that last person he wanted to see on his first day after the summer break.

Yoon Jeonghan.

Authors note:-

Today was Sunday so a quick little update 😁

If you have any tips to make my writing better then pls let me you cuz I'm strugglin' these days fr

Also I was having a sexuality crisis just yesterday. My crush finally messaged me and I was so happy about that but i also like women so idk.

I have an idea on what I'm gonna do in the next chapter but we'll see how it turns out.

I hope you guys are enjoying the backstories as well. I was gonna make Jeonghan unfriend them all but my heart couldn't bare to do that.

If there are any grammatical mistakes I'm sorry for that 😅

Thank you for reading!!!! 💙

Luv ya 💗


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