Sixth date||ch-3.6

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The weather in Seoul was very confusing. Some day it would be burning, some day it would be cold and some day it would be raining. Today mother nature decided to bless the place by pouring heavy rain on the hearts of the broken. One of the broken hearts being Joshua.

School was closed due to the heavy rain as alot of students couldn't make it since most of them came for far away. Joshua wished he could be happy but no. Since he had no school the only place he could go was the cafe. He had to go their early today. He wished he could've stayed in bed longer but no. He wished to spend the entire day with Jeonghan but no. And to make it worse the guilt form yesterday didn't go away. He hated his life but there was nothing he could do about it. He had to live through it. You'd think what more bad could happen right?

As soon as Joshua entered the cafe he was met with a furious a Tyler who didn't even give him a chance to say anything. Tyler just kept on moving closer to Joshua as Joshua backed up until his back hit the door. Once Joshua was trapped between the door and Tyler he received a punch on his stomach. And to no one's surprise it was Tyler who punched him.

Joshua fell to the ground. He tightly grabbed his stomach and with his other hand he covered his mouth.

"I thought we made deal Joshua?" Tyler said kneeling down with a smirk "I guess I have to tell boss now huh?"

Joshua's shot his head up and started begging "Please don't I'll do anything! I promise! I'll listen to you but please don't!"

"Well it's too late now you've already broken our promise. How can I trust you?" Tyler chuckled. He got up and kicked Joshua "Get out of my site you disgusting slut" he commanded and walked away.

Joshua layed there for a couple of seconds, processing what had just happened. He started to feel his head become heavy and in no time he was having an awful headache. He weakly got up and went out. He went to the park across the street and sat on a bench under a tree. He didn't want to go back inside the cafe, it didn't feel safe. He tried his best not to cry but it was useless. He ended up bawling his eyes out for a good amount of time. After he calmed down he decided to just sit there and let the cold wind take him away.


What felt like three seconds turned out to be three hours. The rain had stopped, leaving behind a fresh weather. Joshua woke up to someone tapping on his shoulder. He was still in daze but slowly tried to open his eyes to see the person who woke him up. He looked up to see Jeonghan standing right infront of him with an adoring smile. Without thinking, Joshua threw himself onto Jeonghan and hugged him tight. Jeonghan returned the hug, smiling brightly.

"What have you been doing here?" Jeonghan asked while patting Joshua's back

Joshua quickly thought of a lie, "Nothing, just enjoying the weather you know?"

"And what if you get cold? You're totally not dressed for the weather" Jeonghan said as if he was sweetly scolding the younger.

Jeonghan wasn't wrong though. Joshua was wearing some really thin and loose clothes that weren't protecting him at all from the aftermath of the rain.

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