First date||ch-3.1

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"YOU'RE WHAT!?" Vernon, being the reaction king he is, jumped up from the couch while looking at Joshua in disbelief. "SHUA ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! DO YOU EVEN HAVE AN IDEA ON WHO YOU JUST AGREED TO DATE??"

"Vernon lis-" Joshua got cut of by his friend

"NO! I'M NOT GONNA LISTEN NO SHIT! HOW DID YOU AGREE? WHY DID YOU AGREE?!" Vernon didn't let Joshua speak a word. Instead he spent five whole minutes just lecturing him.

The party was on Saturday. Joshua wished he could've met Vernon on Sunday but to his bad luck, he had to work extra hours at the cafe. After that he was so tired he couldn't evan get out of bed. That's how his entire Sunday went.

It was Monday morning right now and they still had some time before school so they just decided to chat a little in the living room. He was excited to tell Vernon all about the party but one part of him knew he would react like this.

"Tell me it's a lie right now." Vernon demanded obviously very concerned

Joshua could only look down and shake his head as a no

Vernon sighed. He didn't want to sound mean or possesive. He truly was worried for his friend. To him, Joshua wasn't his friend, he was his family. They are like brothers and all they want is the best for eachother. Joshua didn't know what mess he was getting himself into, but Vernon did. He just wanted his friend to be safe and happy

Vernon sat down next to Joshua on the couch and put an arm around him. He shook him a little and Joshua looked at him.

"Are you really that mad?" Joshua asked feeling guilty. He was worried that because of this it might ruin his friendship with others. He didn't want that. He couldn't bare to loose Vernon. He couldn't bare another loss.

"I'm not, I'm just-" Vernon sighed again. He couldn't find words to tell Joshua how stressed and worried he was right now. "Listen, i don't wanna sound rude or anything but you have to understand where I'm coming from Shua. I know you're very happy about it and all but there's a big possibility that the happiness is temporary."

Joshua nodded his head, understanding the others views. He knew what Vernon was talking about. He didn't know much about the group but he knew well enough to know that they cannot be the nicest people.

Vernon didn't wanted to make Joshua more sad then he already was from his previous reaction, so he said "I just want you to know that I am happy for you but also worried. I don't want you to get hurt or anything." Vernon couldn't bare to see his friend sad, hurt or anything bad. It made his heart break. He knows what Joshua has gone through and he doesn't want it to happen again. He doesn't want Joshua's heart to break again. It'll break him if it does.

"Just be careful ok? And remember, you can ask me for help anytime. I'm always here." Vernon said and smiled. He trusted Joshua and his decision. If Joshua was happy, he was happy

Joshua smiled back, "I will. Thank you." He still had some guilt in his eyes. Vernon couldn't bare to see that. He pulled him into a hug until Vernon's mom came to tell them it's time for school.


Most of the day at school went normal. Vernon went to his class and Joshua went to his. He sat in his regular seat which was at the top left corner of the class. Jeonghan was sitting on the opposite corner of the class. Joshua tried to make eye contact with him but Joenghan didn't notice.

Lunch came quicker then normal, or so that's what Joshua thought. He was about get up from his seat and meet Vernon for lunch but was stopped by a figure approaching him with a smile. It was Jeonghan.

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