Fourth date||ch-3.4

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This time Jeonghan didn't let happen what happened yesterday. As soon as school ended he approached Joshua and asked if he could hang out after school. No specific time to meet up, no specific place to pick him up. He wanted to go on their date right after school.

"U-uhh.." Joshua just stood there. His mind was a mess. He remembered what Tyler told him yesterday and he knew if he agreed to Jeonghan's request, Tyler would definitely tell the boss and Joshua would loose his job. One part of him wanted to say yes no matter what the consequences was. Yesterday he didn't get to hang out with Jeonghan much so he wanted to spend as much time with him as he can.

"Would you mind giving me just five minutes? I need to make a call." Joshua spoke. He wanted to say yes, he wanted to give in. Plus Jeonghan's cute expression made it really difficult to say no.

"No at all, I'll wait here." Jeonghan said in his soft tone he only used for Joshua

Joshua walked off, far away so Jeonghan couldn't hear but close enough so that he was still in his site. He quickly dialled his boss's number and waited anxiously. He feet continuously tapped on the ground while his hand didn't stop fidgeting.

Jeonghan watched this all with a frown. He was standing further away from Joshua but could tell the other was sad about something. Something was holding him back. He wanted to erase it.

Once his boss picked up Joshua lightly cleared his throat, took a deep breath and asked if he could have a leave for today.

"Of course! You already work extra plus you are still a student. Don't worry about it too much and go have fun. I'll tell Tyler to take over for today. I've seen him lacking a lot so this will also be a good lesson for him." His boss said, lightly laughing at the end of his sentence

Joshua smiled but was nervous at the same time. What if Tyler tells him? He took his boss's words and thanked him befor ending the call. He always wondered why the people at the cafe treated him so nice. He expected them to be mean but they were sweeter than ever. It made him happy to know that their were people who liked him and didn't find him annoying

Jeonghan smiled once he saw Joshua walking towards him, smiling as well

"So is that a yes?" Jeonghan asked

"Yes." Joshua nodded


"Why didn't you tell me we were going to pottery? I didn't wear the right attire for this" Joshua sulked in Jeonghan's car. He didn't wanted his white shirt to get ruined but oh well, he can't change now.

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