Back in my arms||ch-9

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Jeonghan didn't know what to do.

He was confused. How were you supposed to react when a stranger suddenly comes running to you and hides behind you?

He immediately recognised the person when he heard their sobs. It was Joshua. Why was he crying and why was he hiding behind Jeonghan?

Before Jeonghan could react even the slightest he saw Tyler walk out of the cafe and as always his face turned bitter just by looking at Jeonghan.

"Why are you here?" Tyler blurted out. He looked over Jeonghan's shoulder and found the person he was looking for

Tyler didn't let Jeonghan respond and tried to walk behind Jeonghan to get Joshua. Jeonghan instincts kicked in and he immediately knew that Joshua wasn't safe. He covered Joshua more with his body and said "Can I not be?"

Tyler stopped his efforts to go to Joshua and looked at Jeonghan. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled "Listen kid, this is none of your business so just stay out of it ok?"

Jeonghan hated hearing those words. Yeah he was an awful person to Joshua but he still had the right to worry for the other. Jeonghan loved him.

"I'm not letting you go near him without my consent." Jeonghan could tell Tyler was gonna get violent any second so he needed him and Joshua out of there quickly

Tyler moved closer to Jeonghan. They were about the same height which made Jeonghan and Tyler's face a little too for comfort

"I think your forgetting something Jeonghan," Jeonghan felt shivers hearing his name come out of such a dirty person. He didn't know how Tyler knew his name but it was the least to his worries. Tyler then continued "You're the one that played with him like a doll, that made him feel pathetic and worthless so quite with the act."

Jeonghan was speechless. Tyler was right. He did use Joshua and then left him. Joshua suffered all alone.

"You literally made him almost kill himself so why don't you back off and get out of his life for good."

Those words hit like a bullet. All this time Jeonghan thought that he was doing good by staying away from Joshua but turns out he had already caused enough damage that no amount of distance could keep Joshua safe from him.

Jeonghan was a monster.

He lowered his head as those words sank deep inside his soul. The person he was trying to protect was only getting hurt by him and no one else.

An audible chuckle was head from Tyler as he saw Jeonghan's reaction.

And then Tyler had the audacity to wonder why his coworkers didn't like him.

Jeonghan was about to leave but was stopped by a small tug on his shirt from behind. He completely forgot he was standing infront of Joshua.

Jeonghan was confused as to why Joshua was tugging on his shirt so tightly but didn't question it. He tried to wiggle his way out of Joshua's grip but was shocked when Joshua whispered in his ear from behind "let's get out of here"

Jeonghan didn't know what that meant but he understood one thing: he needed to get Joshua out of there

"So are you gonna leave or not?" Tyler said. He sounded very annoyed as to why Jeonghan hadn't left yet

Without a word Jeonghan turned around and wrapped his hand around Joshua's shoulder and started walking away. Jeonghan was suddenly turned around by great force and before he could process it all he received a hard punch on his face. He picked himself back up and luckily didn't fall to the ground.

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