Third date||ch-3.3

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"So, how are the dates going?" Wonwoo asked.

The five were sitting at the lunch table in school. Today was kind off boring as their was nothing to do. It was the middle of the week which ment no tests, no practice just homework and lectures. No deadlines for homework either.

"Good i guess." Jeonghan replied playing with his food "but he does keep picking the same spot for me to pick him up, that's weird."

"What if he's actually homeless?" Mingyu questioned

"And what if he actually has no parents?" Soonyoung also joked to which everyone just laughed. They love to laugh about the romours about Joshua.

"Anyways, where have you been so far?" Cheol asked, curious as they haven't heard from Jeonghan in two days

"On our first date we went to a street festival and on the second one we went to a flower nursery." After saying that Jeonghan remembered the time he had with Joshua on their past two dates. He couldn't help but smile. He tried to hold it back as much as possible because he knew if the others saw, he will definitely get teased till no end.

"Where are you planning to take him today?" Soonyoung asked surprised because he has never seen Jeonghan put so much effort into something.

"I'm thinking pottery." Jeonghan said

"Wow i didn't know you could care for someone like that. Why don't you care about us the same?" Mingyu asked a little jealous

"Hey, it's just a dare. I don't actually care." Jeonghan defended himself. Those words were something he wished to be true but deep down he knew he was lying.

"Yeah whatever, you should see your face when you talk about your time with him." Wonwoo said, chuckling at the end of his sentence

"Don't tell me you actually like him? Just after two dates?" Seungcheol questioned

"No I don't! What makes you think that?" Jeonghan said

"You still didn't answer my question." Mingyu sulked

Their conversation turned into bickering. Bickering that lasted the entire lunch. Laughs were shared when the bell interpreted them hitting them back to reality, ending their so called conversation. They parted ways going their own sections.

Jeonghan signed 'when will this day be over?' he discomfort was gone when he saw Joshua walk in the class. He wanted to smile at him, ask him to sit next to him but before he could some girl already blocked his view and without even seeking permission, she sat next to him.

This was his everyday, he was tired of it. He wanted to escape. Maybe that's why he put so much effort in his fake dates for Joshua. Joshua was his escape, his escape from this awful life style.

The teacher didn't do anything that day. Infact, he came in the class and just slept telling the students to keep quiet. The students understood as that teacher was the most respected in the school. He should be, he practically does the principal's job.

Jeonghan looked over to Joshua and it seemed like the other was texting someone. He signed. He felt weird seeing Joshua soo happy talking to someone else. He just ignored the girl flirting with him and put his head down, slowly falling asleep.


"Joshua," Tyer said looking over to Joshua who was spacing out

"Yeah" Joshua got out of his daze and looked over to his co-worker

"You're gay?" Tyler asked

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