01. All This Time

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Our eyes meet
And I can tell that you're the same as me
It's the way we
It's the way we see ourselves through walls of trees

— Louis Tomlison


It all started with a dream, one of many that Alessia had been having about the three mysterious guys. Ever since she turned 17 years old, these dreams had become a regular occurrence. What changed was the fact that it was the first time she was able to properly interact with any of them.

Unfamiliar with their names, she had long ago bestowed upon them new identities. It was impractical to refer to them as the mysterious guys indefinitely. (And, okay, she may have grown attached.) Their unparalleled perfection rendered them incomparable beings from another realm. Thus, they came to be known to her as Helios, Apollo, and Hermes, drawing inspiration from Greek mythology — her extensive reading of Percy Jackson had finally served a purpose.

The first to show in her dreams was Helios. He gained this name because at no more than twenty years old, he exuded an aura of gentleness and kindness that melted her heart. His tall, slender frame boasted flawlessly smooth obsidian skin, which emitted a radiant youthfulness. In her perception, he encapsulated the very essence of the sun, dispersing warmth wherever he went. Hence Helios, the deity who dutifully steered the sun across the sky from east to west.

The second to show in her dreams was Apollo. Though she could have called him Ares or Mars, aligning with his masculine beauty, muscular body, and seemingly perpetually furrowed brow, she chose to name him after his prowess in art. While engrossed in his artistry, his countenance remained serene, emanating an overall aura of tranquility, so he was Apollo, the patron of the arts. He was somewhere in the mid to late twenties and had an extremely pale complexion. He was nearly the same height as Alessia herself, perhaps slightly taller, but unlike her, he had platinum hair and skin that appeared almost translucent.

Lastly, she bestowed upon the final man who appeared in her dreams the name Hermes. His appearance suggested an age no greater than twenty-three, and his movements exhibited a mesmerizing grace that defied comprehension. Much like the divine Hermes, god of travelers, he appeared always in motion, forever fixated on discovering new ventures and involving himself in various endeavors. Standing between the statures of Helios and Apollo, he possessed the build of a runner, and his long, jet-black locks provided a striking contrast against his fair skin.

Alessia's dreams began when Helios underwent his transformation into a vampire, although she remained unaware of this particular information at the time. She witnessed him screaming in agonizing pain, and an inexplicable urge surged within her, compelling her to comfort him by any means possible. She remained by his side until he finally awakened, only to find herself abruptly awake in her own bed.

As her life unfolded, her dreams persisted, each episode unfurling within distinct circumstances, granting her fleeting glimpses into varied and novel scenarios. In the most recent occurrences, Alessia found herself immersed in a vision where Helios, gripped by a nameless apprehension, fled from his house. He raced with fervor through the vast expanse of the desert, striving to distance himself from the people he had lived with. The barrier of understanding persisted, as not a single word he uttered in her dream-world found comprehension within her conscious mind.

As time went on, Alessia discovered a remarkable ability within her dream realm: she could exert control over the pace of her dreams. Initially, she treated her dreams as mere movies, with little care for their content. But as the weeks passed, her attachment to Helios — and later, some time after they first appeared, to Apollo and Hermes — grew.

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