07. Pure Imagination

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There is no life I know
To compare with pure imagination

 Gene Wilder


Alessia's consciousness drifted in a haze as she gradually regained awareness. There was a gentle rocking motion, accompanied by a persistent shaking. Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing the face of Caius leaning over her.

"Alessia, wake up," Caius urged, his voice low. "Are you alright?"

Uncertainty and unease clouded Alessia's mind as she struggled to piece together her surroundings. The room before her was foreign, unfamiliar. She found herself reclining on a plush surface, cocooned in the embrace of a blanket. She blinked several times, attempting to dispel the lingering traces of sleep from her thoughts.

"Yeah, I... I'm fine," Alessia managed to respond, her voice groggy. "What happened?"

"You fainted," he declared bluntly, before discreetly moving out of her primary field of vision, while Aro approached her proximity.

Alessia discarded the blanket, sliding to the edge of the bed, mindful of the consequences if she rose abruptly — temporary darkness would envelop her.

"Do you happen to know the reason behind your fainting spell?" Aro asked quietly.

"No," she mumbled, her words still slightly slurred. She was unsure about what could have caused her to faint within a dream.

Aro hesitated for a moment, before drawing nearer and positioning himself on the floor beside Alessia, just where her legs dangled over the bed's edge. Leaning slightly against the bed, he turned his body to face her. Alessia instinctively adjusted her position to gain a clearer view of him.

"Alessia, I have something to confess," he started. "Do you remember when I told you about gifts vampires have?"

Alessia nodded, recalling their previous conversation. Since it hadn't been too long ago, the memory was still fresh in her mind.

Aro cleared his throat, his expression serious. "I have a gift of my own. Mine is the type that I told you that has various nuances that could be considered different gifts but, in reality, form a cohesive whole."

"That's cool," Alessia remarked, trying to maintain a cheerful tone. The problem is that she sensed a certain gravity in the atmosphere, causing her to feel a bit nervous. "What is your gift?"

"It grants me the ability to delve into people's minds, accessing their thoughts, emotions, and memories through physical contact," Aro stated, his tone measured.

Alessia stared blankly. Certainly she had misunderstood him. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" she requested, needing confirmation of what she had just heard.

Aro repeated his sentence and looked at her as if waiting for her to come to a realization.

Alessia's heart skipped a beat — she hadn't misheard him. Her mind raced with a mixture of fascination and astonishment. But alongside her intrigue, apprehension crept in. The memory of her previous dream encounter with Aro resurfaced, reminding her of their brief physical contact. Could it be that even that momentary touch had allowed him a glimpse into her memories? The thought sent a shiver down her spine.

Alessia's eyes narrowed as she questioned Aro, her voice laced with suspicion. "Have you already read my mind?" Her gaze scrutinized him, seeking any hint of deception.

Aro's expression softened, an inkling of regret evident on his face. "Yes, I have, and I apologize for doing so without your consent. I understand that I should have asked for permission," he admitted. "But I thought it was the best way. And while I did read your mind during our previous encounter, I could only access fragments of your thoughts. Specifically, I perceived moments involving myself, Caius, and Helios."

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