14. Enchanted

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This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the storyline ends
My thoughts will echo your name
Until I see you again

— Taylor Swift (Taylor's Version)


Waking up, Alessia immediately headed to the bathroom for a shower. Feeling sweaty and uncomfortable, she couldn't bear to wait any longer. The previous night, she had wisely chosen to wear leggings and a shirt to sleep, anticipating the likelihood of what had happened. She was relieved by her decision, as the amount she had perspired would have been even more problematic had she been wearing her usual hoodie and night pants, potentially leading to dehydration.

Following a refreshing shower and tending to her hair, Alessia turned her attention to her Notion workspace. As she reviewed her schedule for the day, she noted that her only commitment was an afternoon class. Moreover, she had already completed the assignment for her History of Economic Thought course. This left her with two options. She could embrace responsibility and use the time to prepare for the upcoming test, or she could indulge her curiosity and experiment with her time travel.

Contemplating the situation, Alessia couldn't help but let out a laugh. Being truthful with herself, she realized that she didn't really need to deliberate. The only reason she hadn't explored her time travel the previous day was due to her morning class commitment. Furthermore, she recognized the potential danger of possessing such an ability without understanding how to wield it properly. In that sense, she was actually acting responsibly by deciding to investigate her gift.

Thus, after her breakfast, Alessia pondered whether she should create a list of her dream experiences that intrigued her. She resolved that indeed, she ought to do so, if only to incorporate it into her experiments as well.

1. Back

2. Forward

3. Flower

4. Relief-stone

5. Faster

6. Slower

She analyzed it for a moment, tapping her index finger on the table, before nodding to herself, considering it good enough. It struck a delicate balance between vagueness, ensuring it wouldn't convey much meaning without context, and clarity, assuring she wouldn't forget its significance.

Alessia made the firm decision to initiate a test to ascertain whether she could replicate the feats she accomplished in her dreams. Given her prior experience, she recognized the risk of returning to her sweat-soaked body if she time traveled hours again. After weighing her options carefully, she settled on the idea of seeing if she could make things go faster first. She lifted her chair and positioned it strategically in front of her window, attentively surveying the bustling street unfolding below.

Pedestrians strolled along the sidewalk, numerous cars zipped past, a motorcycle emitted an insistent honk, and a child's plaintive cry blended seamlessly with the routine urban symphony. Amidst this bustling scene, tree leaves shook with the wind, and a group of friends laughed merrily as they playfully shoved each other, all unfolding at a typical city pace.

Alessia, fueled by determination, decided it was time to put her gift to the test. She fervently wished for everything around her to accelerate, just as it did in her dreams. However, nothing changed, and the street outside maintained its regular pace.

Alessia pondered that this was a very obvious way of showing that she was only dreaming (having visions?) when she did the fastening and slowing thing. But she already knew that, considering the fact that if she had been awake by the entire entire without sleeping she would have already died or gone to the hospital.

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