08. Infinity

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How many nights have you wished someone would stay?
Lay awake, only hoping they're okay
I never counted all of mine
If I tried, I know it would feel like infinity

One Direction


Alessia reluctantly made her way to her History of International Relations class, emitting a sigh of displeasure. She dreaded the upcoming encounter with her unbearable professor, but knew that she had no alternative but to attend.

Arriving at the class with ample time to spare, Alessia secured a seat in the back by the window. The day greeted her with a gentle, sunny disposition, and she silently praised herself for having applied sunscreen in advance. The warmth of the sun brought her a bit of joy; she adored the sensation of its rays caressing her skin. If she had to listen to her professor, at least she could bask in this small but cherished source of happiness.

With practiced ease, Alessia settled into her seat, extracting her laptop and connecting it to the charger. As she meticulously arranged her workspace, her professor commenced his customary monologue, delving into whatever detail of his life he wanted to share that Thursday.

Today, the topic of her professor's tirade caught Alessia off guard, bordering on amusement. He embarked on a passionate rant about the absence of apples at the snack store situated within their building. Alessia struggled to fathom the extent to which he had taken the matter, going so far as to lodge a formal complaint with the university. She found it incredulous that he believed the university had any sway in the situation. After all, the snack store was privately owned, and it was beyond the university's jurisdiction to enforce the sale of apples.

Lost in her thoughts, she absently clicked away on her laptop until she heard her professor's voice shift into a more serious tone. He finally began discussing the actual subject of the class. That day he delved into the topic of the Ottoman Empire and Alessia couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. Professor Edgar seemed to jump from one historical period to another without providing any clear context or connection to the previous lesson. She wished he would make an effort to present a more coherent timeline.

Nonetheless, Alessia listened attentively as her professor delved into the historical details, after all, the time he actually applied on talking about the subject he should lecture was small. He described how the Ottoman Empire had emerged in the 13th century, gradually expanding its influence and establishing itself as a major power in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. He highlighted the empire's strategic location, acting as a bridge between Europe and Asia, and its mastery of maritime trade routes that facilitated its economic growth.

The way the Ottoman Empire had acquired and maintained power for so long was actually very interesting. However, just as Alessia was engrossed in the lecture, her professor's monologue took the now-expectant turn to derail from the discipline to bad-mouth minorities. Alessia swiftly tuned him out once again, directing her attention to her laptop where she went to find a paper about the day's theme to complement the class while desperately fighting the urge to speak out against his offensive remarks. She had already anonymously reported her professor's behavior on the university website, but so far, no action had been taken. For now, she knew she had to endure his presence to pass the course.

After the class ended, Alessia found solace in the university's garden. She sought a peaceful spot among the vibrant orchids, choosing a bench where she could relax and gather her thoughts. Opening her laptop once again, she began to synthesize the information she had read from the paper about the Ottoman Empire, combining it with the few coherent points her professor had made during the lecture.

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