36. Moving Forward Pt. 2

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Today I feel stronger
Happier, who knows
I only carry the certainty
That I know very little
Or nothing at all

— Paula Fernandes, Leonardo (adapted translation of Tocando Em Frente)


The following day, Monday, Alessia's nerves accompanied her as she made her way to the Jiu-Jitsu class. Though she understood she wouldn't be able to start immediately, needing to pay first, she opted to handle the payment in person rather than online. She needed to take a preliminary look around before her inaugural true class.

Alessia was well-acquainted with the route to the university, but this part of the city was new. While she could easily navigate using Google Maps, she hesitated to rely on it indefinitely, cautious of the potential risk of robbery. Moreover, Alessia had learned the value of familiarizing herself with the surroundings of places she frequented. She understood that a single wrong turn could lead to being lost, potentially wasting minutes or even hours to find her way back.

The thought of that particular lesson still stirred a sense of discomfort within Alessia. It all began when she started going home alone after her Spanish course. Previously, her nanny had always been there to pick her up. On that initial solo journey, she found herself lost, a feeling that filled her with immense shame. Thankfully, a kind-hearted lady came to her aid, guiding her to the avenue and pointing her in the right direction. Without the assistance of that benevolent stranger, Alessia might have succumbed to panic. Since that day, she never ventured out without a map.

(It might have seemed somewhat absurd for an 11-year-old to carry a city map in 2016, but at that age, she didn't possess a smartphone. Her father only provided her with one when it became necessary for school. In a curious twist of fate, this seemingly outdated practice turned out to be beneficial. Carrying a map ignited Alessia's interest in geopolitics. It began with a simple curiosity about street names and the curious absence of certain parts of the city on the map. This curiosity gradually evolved into a deeper understanding of how power influences everything, including the way maps are drawn and territories are delineated.)

Moreover, Alessia was feeling somewhat... paranoid. No, paranoid wasn't the correct word. She wasn't unreasonably anxious or obsessively suspicious. Rather, she felt a sense of cautious preparedness. She had every reason to be somewhat nervous, considering her possible future self had decided to send her a taser gun and two pepper sprays, all of which she now carried discreetly in her ecobag. It wasn't paranoia; it was a pragmatic acknowledgment of the need to be vigilant in a world that could be unpredictable.

If her future self had taken the initiative to equip her with these tools, it implied a potential need for self-defense or quick escape in the near future. And being prepared for such scenarios necessitated more than just carrying defensive items; it required knowing her surroundings intimately.

Therefore, as she walked, Alessia made mental notes of the places of interest around her. There was a large Riachuelo department store just two streets down, offering a potential refuge or resources in times of need. Behind her Jiu-Jitsu class, she spotted a police station, a presence that was both reassuring and unwelcomed. Directly across the street stood a tempting bubble tea shop, a small indulgence she refrained from due to budget constraints but noted nonetheless.

Four streets to the west, a small grocery store caught her attention, offering affordable sustenance. Alessia continued to observe her surroundings, mapping out potential safe havens and resources should the need arise. In this way, she navigated the streets with a blend of caution and purpose, and decided to use a very tall building as her point of reference. Conveniently situated on the avenue leading to the bus stop, this towering structure stood out prominently. Its height ensured that Alessia could spot it from all directions and for at least one kilometer around.

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