20. Iris Pt. 2

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And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't wanna go home right now

— The Goo Goo Dolls



Alessia consciously eased the tension in her shoulders, inhaling deeply as she prompted herself to regain composure. She hadn't even realized that she had allowed the tense atmosphere to affect her.

Now aware of the presence of an unfamiliar vampire — a potential threat — lurking outside, Alessia felt an instinctual urge to shield her vampires. Her foremost concern was for Caius, given his vulnerability — he was too close to the door —, and she wanted to position him and Aro behind her for protection. However, she understood that safeguarding them from another vampire was well beyond her human capabilities. Simultaneously, she felt the urge to soothe both of them, but particularly Aro — he was feeling too much —, even though he wasn't overtly expressing the intensity of his emotions.

Unable to defend her vampires and comfort both of them, Alessia found solace in the ability to console Aro. As she started to strategize, she firmly held his hand in one of hers, using the other to tenderly trace small circles on the back of his hand, silently providing reassurance.

Alessia had to go back, that was certain, as they needed time to prepare.

The question looming was whether she should go right away and inform them that she had no knowledge of the identity or intentions of the visitor, or if she should wait, convince Caius to stay near her, and go back after allowing the unidentified person entry.

After a moment of contemplation, Alessia concluded that, for the present moment, it would be wiser to rewind time slightly and ensure better preparation for herself and her vampires. This way, she could initially gather information about the unidentified threat, and depending on the circumstances, she could then go back again to provide more detailed insights to them, optimizing their chances for a successful outcome.

Aro, tracking her thought process, pressed his lips together and fixed a sharp, displeased, gaze on her. Clearly, he had grasped the conclusion she had arrived at. Alessia gently squeezed his hand — it was going to be alright — before releasing it, taking the wristwatch with her.

Despite the sensation that her heart might be torn from her chest if she departed at that moment, Alessia acknowledged that it was the best course of action. This decision was reinforced by the fact that just a few minutes earlier, her vampires were not in immediate danger.

Alessia concentrated on the timepiece, pouring all her energy into the desire to turn back one hour. All she needed was a little more time — not much, for she couldn't afford to go back too far. If she rewound too much time, her gift would leave her hungry, and with no food available, Alessia couldn't risk her loud human stomach worrying her vampires.


As Alessia reopened her eyes, she found herself standing in front of the table, the maps laid out before her. Caius sat with his arms crossed, casting an indulgent look at Aro, who was scrutinizing his own wrist with delight, struggling to believe something.


Aro and Caius were safe from danger for now.

Alessia relaxed completely, feeling much more calm than she had been in the moment before.

In the next second, both men abruptly turned their attention to her. Caius straightened in his chair, casting a sharp and thorough gaze over her from head to toe. Aro placed his hand back on the table, scanning her features intently.

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