26. Change Pt. 1

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Now, it's time to realise we don't get another life
Always overanalyse, what's the point?
I know it'll be alright
'Cause we're all the same inside

Louis Tomlinson


Alessia browsed through Mercado Livre, hunting for the perfect gift to surprise Helios with.

Alessia's day had been quite normal, if she were honest. She commenced with her morning dance class, then diligently ironed the clothes she had retrieved from the line the previous day. Following that, she prepared additional food to freeze for the upcoming week. In a burst of enthusiasm, she sent a lengthy audio message to Julia via WhatsApp, passionately recounting Corinthians' recent victory and emphasizing their status as the People's Team, the champion of champions who were bound to break their streak of misfortune after their triumphant 3-2 win.

After this all, she promptly responded to her father's inquiry about purchasing items on Amazon, providing him with the necessary guidance, knowing better than to let him wait in any way. Additionally, she shared a series of videos with Maria via Instagram DMs and scrolled through TikTok, saving a tutorial on crafting cute paper roses for a later attempt. Throughout these activities, she couldn't shake her concern for Aro and Caius but managed to divert her attention.

As evening drew near, Alessia made a firm decision to finally embark on her quest to find the perfect gift for Helios. Having already bestowed scrunchies upon Aro, Caius, and Didyme, she couldn't bear the thought of leaving Helios out. What's more, a pang of guilt nagged at her for not having spoken with him since their last encounter. This feeling intensified as she contemplated her upcoming visit to the Greek side of her vampires, primarily to ensure Aro's well-being. She was aware, thanks to Athenodora, that Helios, at least, was fine, but still.

Alessia scoured the internet for what felt like an eternity, racking her brain for a suitable gift for her friend. Unfortunately, financial constraints limited her options, ruling out the possibility of purchasing the one thing she knew Helios would truly like — earrings. Helios didn't have pierced ears, rendering clip-on earrings the only viable alternative. However, the clip-on earrings she could afford were predominantly crafted from plastic and other materials that wouldn't exist until centuries later.

While the scrunchies she had previously gifted had elastic, their suitability was justified because they were enclosed in cloth — there was no such excuse for modern-looking clip-on earrings. The others she could buy were magnetic earrings, but Alessia hesitated for two reasons: firstly, uncertainty about whether they would work on Helios' vampire skin, and secondly, the incongruity of a magnetic earring in a historical period long before such technology existed. Frustrated and disheartened, Alessia realized she needed to devise an alternative plan.

Alessia's mind briefly flirted with the notion of giving Helios a bracelet or a necklace instead, but she swiftly dismissed the idea. Despite her confidence that Helios would appreciate any gesture from her, Alessia couldn't shake the feeling that such gifts wouldn't be quite right. None of the bracelets or necklaces she came across in her search seemed to align with Helios' style or preferences. Buying something just for the sake of it wouldn't hold much meaning.

She needed to find something fitting for him, like the fan Helios had gifted her — the very one she held now — because she knew it would be practical, much like she had known the scrunchies would be. This notion sparked Alessia's idea of obtaining something honey-themed. It wasn't a necessity for Helios, being a vampire, nor particularly useful, but it was something that would suit him well. Plus, she couldn't deny the allure of potentially seeing Helios flustered once more, a sight she found utterly endearing.

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