02. Immortality Pt. 1

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We don't say goodbye
And I know what I've got to be
I make my journey through eternity
I keep the memory of you and me inside

 Céline Dion, Bee Gees


Well, that was a first. Alessia had never fallen from her bed before, not even when she was a kid. Her head throbbed with an incessant pain that she could tell was partially from the fall — it was going to leave a bruise — and partially from a normal headache.

As Alessia rose and attempted to make her way to the bathroom, she felt as though she hadn't even closed her eyes that night — or worse, as if she had spent the entire night running. Every muscle in her body ached, and even the simplest movements sent waves of exhaustion crashing over her. Her limbs felt heavy, and she constantly teetered on the verge of fainting.

She couldn't even use her brain enough to think about taking her usual bus — there was no way she would go to college that Friday. At least the next day marked the start of the weekend. Not having any classes on Saturday and Sunday offered a glimmer of solace, as she knew she didn't need to worry about school for at least two more days. So she decided to dedicate the day to self-care, meticulously following her skincare routine and simply unwinding.

As night fell, Alessia was in a state of relaxation, despite her illness. Nestled in her bed, she reached for her phone and began messaging her friend Julia. They shared multiple classes together, including Introduction to International Relations, the class they were supposed to have on that day.


girl, i need a favor




i skipped class today


i know

want me to send you the material?


yes, please

love you


love you too

treat me with brigadeiro and we're even



Her good humor rapidly vanished as Alessia laid eyes on the task assigned by Professor Ana Rita. A complete essay, spanning 10 pages, on Niccolò Machiavelli's renowned work, "The Prince," due by June 2nd. The realization struck hard — it was already May 19th. What was her professor even thinking?

Her body weak and her mind foggy, Alessia painstakingly reviewed the instructions once again, desperately wishing that she had misread even a single detail. Yet, luck eluded her entirely. A groan escaped her lips as the weight of the situation settled in. Not a moment of respite, not even during her illness, for heaven's sake.

While scanning through the remaining pages, Alessia attempted to navigate her university's calendar, desperately searching for a way to squeeze the essay into her already packed schedule. However, her splitting headache rendered it impossible to concentrate. Disheartened, she took more medicine and reluctantly gave up, deciding to postpone any further contemplation until the following day. Her sleep was devoid of dreams, and Alessia couldn't help but feel a little sad. She yearned for an escape from her reality, and most of all, she wanted to know if Helios was okay.

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