19. Iris Pt. 1

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And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive

The Goo Goo Dolls


It was July 10th, the first weekday after the semester's end, and Alessia reasoned that she should muster the energy to leave her bed. Although the discomfort and unease that clung to her in her dream had dispersed, leaving no trace behind, akin to the fading remnants of a nightmare, a persistent hunger remained. It mirrored the sensation she typically experienced after time-traveling for 24 hours — an intensity so profound that it seemed as though she hadn't consumed anything for more than a day.

Furthermore, on that particular day, she was set to discover the final grade she still awaited — the result of her History of Economic Thought examination — and she recognized the impending necessity of informing her father before he dialed her for an update. At least the next day, he happened to have a 10-hour shift in the hospital, implying a higher likelihood of him being sober that Monday night.

Alessia sighed as she rose from her bed, making her way to the bathroom. A refreshing shower was in order, followed by a visit to the Cornershop app to buy some things in the supermarket.

Two hours later, Alessia made her way to the entrance hall of her building, knowing the delivery guy was expected to arrive in a few minutes. The thought of lugging all the items she had purchased to her apartment was already causing her apprehension. Among the diverse range of items she had bought, including fruits, meat, and Bis, what worried her the most was the water. Her supply had depleted, leaving her with no choice but to buy three five-liter bottles — after all, Alessia refused to drink tap water.

(It was disheartening that she had to buy groceries to replenish her household supplies. She disliked the fact that the University Restaurant only opened for lunch during the holidays, making it impractical to take the bus just for a quick trip. If they served dinner as well, Alessia could have lunch, spend the day at the public library and then head to the University Restaurant for dinner before returning home.)

Alessia held onto the hope that one of her neighbors would show kindness again this time. The last occasion she had purchased a substantial amount of heavy items, Helena had come to her aid. Graciously, Helena had made her husband, David, assist in carrying everything to Alessia's front door. This time, Alessia intentionally chose clothes and made her hair to present herself even more as a weak girl, hoping that another neighbor would offer to help carry at least one of the water bottles. While Alessia was fully capable of carrying everything herself, it would require two trips. She simply preferred not to go through that hassle.

Lost in thought, Alessia suddenly started out of her reverie when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Blinking, she removed her earphones, which, as usual, had been playing One Direction — specifically, "Diana," a song she enjoyed pretending was written just for her, as Diana was her second name. Turning around, she faced the person who had tapped her.

"Oh, hi Marli," she greeted with a relaxed and friendly smile.

Alessia and Marli were fellow students at the same university, and their apartments were side by side, but their paths rarely crossed. Marli, who was studying for a degree in History, attended a different campus, which limited their interactions to occasional greetings and the exchange of packages — mostly Marli receiving deliveries for Alessia. This was largely because Marli's classes were in the nighttime, leaving her at home during the day, while Alessia's packages typically arrived in the mornings or afternoons.

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