13. Mind Over Matter

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Mind over matter
Does it matter to any of us?

— Young the Giant


Upon awakening in her bed, Alessia promptly put water to boil for tea before heading back to her bathroom to brush her teeth. She aimed to ease her lingering anger, and what could be more suitable than enjoying a cup of soothing chamomile tea?

After regaining her composure, Alessia headed to the university to attend her International Law class. On that day, the lecture focused on the Law of the Sea. Overall, it proved to be a captivating lecture, encompassing the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which establishes maritime zones like territorial seas, exclusive economic zones, and the high seas — each with its own set of regulations and rights.

Alessia's interest was particularly piqued when the discussion shifted to the growing importance of the Law of the Sea in addressing issues like overfishing, marine pollution, piracy, and the exploitation of deep-sea resources. There was a delicate balance between the economic interests of nations and the imperative to protect and sustain the marine environment for future generations. Meaning that sometimes countries broke the law. Breaching the treaty, whether by ignoring maritime boundaries or engaging in unauthorized resource extraction, could lead to international disputes and legal proceedings. These cases might be brought before international courts and tribunals, where the violating party could face sanctions or compensatory measures.

Alessia didn't think that those measures were enough, if she was being honest. The realm of International Law faced a profound quandary in this aspect. Despite the theoretical equality among nations, practical solutions seemed elusive when it came to preventing repeat violations of treaties. This challenge was particularly pronounced when dealing with developed nations as treaty transgressors. Moreover, in the International Law in general there were lots of things that just didn't seem fair to her. (Although it may be because she was an International Relations student, not a Law student, so some things simply didn't make sense.)

After the class, Alessia's curiosity drove her to the university library. She decided to embark on a quest for knowledge about time travel instead of studying, for she would have Political Geography in the afternoon and she really didn't want to study more than needed that day.

Furthermore, with the assurance that neither of her three vampires had ever been slave owners and that she could freely talk and spend time with them, she realized the importance of considering the potential implications of possessing the ability to travel through time and directly engage with individuals from over 3000 years in the past.

Alessia scoured the depths of the internet, seeking any fragments of information even remotely tied to the concept of time travel. Amidst the numerous theories she encountered, some were dismissed without a second thought, as they failed to align with her understanding. Others, however, captured Alessia's attention, prompting her to conduct further research. Eventually, she honed in on some theories that resonated with her situation.

The first theory, commonly known as the "Butterfly Effect," was one Alessia was already familiar with. The notion that even minuscule alterations in the past could lead to substantial repercussions in the present didn't align with her experiences. If this were true, she reasoned, she should have witnessed significant consequences by now. Be that as it may, she couldn't entirely discount this theory, as she had noticed minor changes when she ventured back in time — like preventing herself from dying in that car accident or altering her response to Julia's question. She could even think about her latest try, when she had got back and suddenly had enough time to arrive in class...

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