23. Walk Of Life

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Down in the tunnels, trying to make it pay
He got the action, he got the motion
Oh yeah, the boy can play
Dedication, devotion
Turning all the night time into the day

Dire Straits


Alessia acknowledged each of them with respect as they were introduced, following Helios' earlier instructions.

Nefertari responded with a peculiar gesture, the one Helios had informed Alessia was a means of acknowledging someone of lower station, while Rameses greeted them with a beatific smile.

"Oh, come on, Markellos, I've already told you there's no need for that," he said, signaling for them to come in. "I wouldn't want to feel obligated to address any of you by titles, so I won't obligate you or Alessia to address me by mine either."

Nefertari cast a sharp look at Alessia, as if assessing her value, and then spoke, "You may refer to me as Nefertari as well."

Interesting that they would extend that courtesy toward her too, Alessia pondered, walking alongside Helios toward the table. Helios had mentioned that Ramesses insisted on not being addressed by his title, a sentiment Nefertari shared. In return, they were not required to use his title either. Helios wasn't entirely certain why they insisted on this deviation from the norm, especially since almost everyone else — within the coven or not — had to use their titles. Despite Helios' inquiries, Ramesses had consistently given variations of that same explanation and Nefertari didn't even say anything. The problem is that the explanation given by Ramesses wasn't entirely rational, since Nefertari and Ramesses could opt not to use Helios' title anyway, given his subordinate role and lesser significance within the coven.

"It never hurts to be polite, Ramesses," Helios affirmed easily. "You are the Vizier, and Nefertari is Captain; it is only fair to acknowledge your well-deserved relevance."

"Don't expect us to say the same," he replied with a grin, as if Helios' words were a source of entertainment for him, before fully focusing on Alessia. In spite of the fact that she knew his attention made Helios tense, his grip on her did not tighten, and she doubted he was displaying it outwardly. Alessia sometimes pondered how she could read him so well. "Greetings, Alessia. I have been expecting this meeting for quite some time. Your Markellos truly has been keeping you away."

So, this was how Ramesses intended to play it — subtly acknowledging her time-travel ability and hinting that he had seen at least part of her conversations with Helios. This suggested that even their codes might have been compromised — a prospect she had already contemplated and one that didn't catch her off guard but was quite inconvenient.

"If anything, I've been indulging in a bit of personal time," Alessia chuckled, masking her inner thoughts. "Greetings, Ramesses. Greetings, Nefertari. It's a privilege to meet you both," she added with a respectful dip of her head, disentangling her arm from Helios and placing a hand over her heart.

Nefertari nodded once. "Salutations, Alessia," she replied, gesturing for them to take a seat. "It's intriguing to make your acquaintance."

That's intelligent. Nefertari likely couldn't express it as a nice meeting due to its informality, couldn't deem it an honor as it would be insincere, and couldn't opt for silence as it would be impolite. Hence, Alessia considered, she settled for "intriguing," which was probably true considering that Alessia was from the future and Ramesses had told her that.

"Hmmm, yes," Ramesses nodded. "Although I must confess, I find myself slightly perturbed by the early convening of this meeting. I was nearly disappointed when I discerned the course this timeline was taking. You would have made an exceptional diplomat for the Uraei."

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