39. Starting Line Pt. 1

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Something like an omen I can never keep
Movin' on and on, so very bittersweet
Is it lost on me, all the things I don't need?

— Luke Hemmings


That day, as Alessia entered the campus grounds, the lovely melody of One Direction's "Irresistible" filled her earphones. Humming softly to the music, she made her way directly to the library, exchanging greetings with those she passed along the way.

"Good morning," she beamed, offering a slight wave to the receptionist stationed at the entrance of the Economics College, behind the counter. It was the familiar face she always saw every morning, though Alessia hadn't yet learned her name.

Alessia didn't remember the names of 90% of the people she greeted, and she wasn't sure where she had even met some of them — probably just passing through the university. Nevertheless, she believed in the power of politeness. People tended to be more helpful if they liked you even a little, so she made a point to greet everyone she encountered.

When Alessia first arrived in the city, she noticed a stark difference in social interactions compared to where she had lived before. People seemed more reserved and less inclined to exchange pleasantries with strangers. She found it perplexing how many would ignore service staff as if they were simply part of the furniture. Determined to uphold her polite demeanor — which now seemed even more advantageous than before, where politeness was seen as obligatory, here it made her stand out positively — Alessia made it a habit to offer a "good day," a nod, or a friendly "hi" to nearly everyone she encountered.

At first, her greetings were met with slightly raised eyebrows and puzzled looks. It seemed that many were unaccustomed to such gestures of goodwill from strangers, which was somewhat entertaining. Still, Alessia persisted. Gradually, she began to observe a change in the reactions of those around her. People who initially seemed taken aback began to respond with quiet greetings without hesitating.

The pattern repeated itself in the university restaurant.

Alessia consistently greeted and thanked the employee after scanning her student card and entering her password. Over time, she noticed one of the employees began to smile when they saw her in line. This positive shift extended to the security guard as well, who typically faced grumpy students irritated by long waits and was likely happy to be met with basic courtesy.

(Perhaps it stemmed from her upbringing in a small city inland rather than the capital, but Alessia had always been taught to greet everyone she encountered regularly, whether they were familiar or working. When she mentioned this to Jade, Jade commented that people generally focused on themselves, and that she found towns peculiar, because greeting everyone like that wasn't safe.)

(Alessia responded by explaining that it wasn't about greeting absolutely everyone, but rather those you were somewhat familiar with and employees in general, considering they already suffered enough. She added that she couldn't comprehend why such fundamental politeness was deemed uncommon, prompting Jade to laugh as though she had made a highly amusing remark.)

Once inside the library, Alessia acknowledged the elderly lady at the desk — the same staunch opponent of technology who had once given Alessia a disapproving look accompanied by a passive-aggressive remark. Alessia had a good memory for such incidents; though she remained polite, she harbored no warm feelings toward the old lady. Then, she proceeded directly to a table against the wall, plugged in her laptop, and settled in, awaiting Maria's arrival.

Alessia and Maria had a project for their Economic Formation of Brazil class due the following Saturday. They had already met twice and completed all the initial tasks, including drafting an eight-page document (excluding the cover, back cover, and references) on the first part of the book Open Veins of Latin America. Their current focus was on preparing the presentation, after which they would polish their speeches for the final submission.

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