28. Invisible String

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All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?

— Taylor Swift


Alessia clutched her mug tightly, one of her favorites, adorned with Van Gogh's masterpiece, "The Starry Night," its vibrant swirls offering a fleeting comfort. She had slept until midday, indulged in a hearty lunch, popped a painkiller, time-traveled back to bed, and emerged only to eat again, followed by a refreshing shower. Even so, her grip tightened on the mug, her hand nearly blanched with the pressure. It was the only anchor amidst the chaos as she grappled to unravel the events of the previous night.

Everything had seemed ordinary at first. A significant burden had lifted from her shoulder when she saw that Aro was unharmed, and Marcus had seamlessly integrated into their coven. Caius' noticeable tension had puzzled her until now. With a clear mind, she remembered Aro's earlier words and connected Caius' unease with the heightened protectiveness he had mentioned.

Anyhow, everything had been proceeding as usual, until that disrupted the tranquility.

If Alessia were honest, she had a strong inclination to simply brush aside the unnerving occurrence. Nevertheless, she couldn't do so this time, plagued by a disconcerting lack of understanding regarding her own reaction. The mystery surrounding the event and her inexplicable response left her feeling more vulnerable than she dared to admit, instilling a sense of fear at the prospect of anyone uncovering her inner turmoil.

Alessia had long prided herself on her ability to maintain strict control over her emotions. She excelled at projecting precisely the demeanor she desired in any given situation, meticulously deciphering her feelings and effortlessly navigating through them. Her adeptness at working under pressure further bolstered her self-assurance, as did her knack for selectively ignoring inconvenient truths when necessary. This steadfast mastery over her emotions had become a cornerstone of her identity, imbuing her with a sense of confidence and self-assurance in the face of life's myriad challenges.

For all that, Alessia found herself bewildered by her recent uncharacteristic reaction. The lingering headache added to her confusion, casting doubt on whether it had truly subsided earlier or merely stayed beneath her weary consciousness, unnoticed in her fatigue. The inability to pinpoint the cause of her reaction compounded her unease, which led her to seek solace in chamomile tea.

Alessia knew herself. She was acutely aware of her possessive nature, a trait deeply ingrained within her character. Those she deemed as hers were fiercely protected, their loyalty and presence cherished with unwavering determination. Julia had been hers since childhood, their bond forged when the blonde girl unexpectedly proclaimed them friends on a random day. Alex held significance only insofar as he mattered to Julia. Julia's parents held a special place in Alessia's heart, owing to their unwavering support during her upbringing, solidifying their position as her own. Maria, though not of paramount importance, found herself embraced for her humorous nature and her knack for gathering gossip. Jade belonged to Alessia because of the valuable information she possessed. Lorenzo was claimed by Alessia as a friend — an acquaintance — because he was also on the A-spec, even though he was aromantic rather than asexual. And Didyme, from the moment she lent Alessia a blanket and assisted in selecting a fruit for her, became unequivocally hers.

So, while Aro, Caius, and Marcus belonged to her, they weren't the only ones, although Alessia acknowledged she felt a surprising ease around them, considering they were men with whom she hadn't spent much time. She attributed this comfort to her prolonged observation of them for over a year, despite minimal direct interaction.

Marcus was claimed by her from the moment she first encountered him in her dreams, where he writhed in agony, though her affection for him truly solidified only upon witnessing his gentleness with others. She had harbored admiration for Caius since the day she silently sat by his side during one of his maritime expeditions, and he became hers when she held his hand during his transformation into a vampire. Aro was hers from the very instant she started to like him — the day she accompanied him, witnessing his unbridled joy as he strolled in the rain with a wide grin, without seeking shelter, simply reveling in the moment.

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