03. Immortality Pt. 2

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There is a vision and a fire in me
I keep the memory of you and me inside
We don't say goodbye
We don't say goodbye

— Céline Dion, Bee Gees


Alessia stood frozen, her breath catching in her throat as she gazed upon Hermes in person for the very first time. He grinned and spoke something using a language she had never heard him speak before. Why wasn't he conversing in the language she was accustomed to hearing from him? To compound her dismay, she couldn't comprehend a single word he uttered, shattering her hopes of understanding him as she had understood Helios. Frustration welled up within her — how would she...

The thought was lost as Apollo appeared on her other side. Locked in their gaze, a strange but not unpleasant feeling enveloped her, and a surge of impulsive words burst forth from her lips in her native Brazilian Portuguese. "I swear I love your art," she said to Apollo, "but why do you paint anything but yourself? If I knew how to paint, I would paint you every day. And you too, for that matter," she added, looking at Hermes.

A hushed silence hung in the air, and Alessia's cheeks turned bright red as she registered the weight of her words. She couldn't believe she had spoken so brazenly — thank goodness they couldn't understand her...

Hermes erupted into laughter — a high-pitched, endearing sound that made her want to make him laugh forever. Apollo looked at her a bit shocked before a handsome smirk broke into his face, as he said, "Well, I could paint you if you so wished."

Alessia spluttered, feeling an overwhelming desire for the ground to swallow her whole, seeking refuge in the sweet solace of oblivion. Her eyes darted between Hermes and Apollo, their amusement evident. First of all, did she just receive a compliment from Apollo? Secondly, why did they understand her? They shouldn't be able to understand her. Her dreams had been very historically accurate, minus the vampire thing. There was no way Brazilian Portuguese already existed.

Hermes looked at her with a joyful smile as he took in her flushed state. "What's your name?"

Alessia seized the opportunity to change the subject, grateful for the lifeline they offered. With a grateful exhale, she found her voice and replied, "My name is Alessia." And she added, because there was no way she would commit the same error twice and forget to ask for their names as she had forgotten to ask for Helios', "What's yours?"

Hermes replied for both of them. "I am Aro." He then gestured to Apollo. "This is my partner, Caius."

Oh, God. Someone please kill her right now.

She had unintentionally praised Hermes and Apollo's attractiveness in the presence of their partner. Because Apollo and Hermes were partners. Now she doubted Apollo had actually returned the compliment, she must have misinterpreted it. Reminding herself firmly that she would never meddle in someone else's relationship, Alessia reprimanded herself for allowing her mind to wander in that now-forbidden direction. Besides, she couldn't help but acknowledge how adorable they looked as a couple. How had she failed to notice their romantic involvement before? They were constantly together, their hands intertwined — a clear sign that should have made it obvious to her.

Feeling the need to shift the focus once again, Alessia cleared her throat and managed a weak smile. "It's nice to meet both of you, Aro and Caius." She deliberately avoided mentioning their beauty this time, hoping to steer the conversation into safer waters. "So, how do you speak Brazilian Portuguese?"

Hermes assumed- no. Not Hermes. Aro assumed a calculating look, engaging in what seemed like an entire conversation through his eyes alone as he looked at ̶A̶p̶o̶l̶l̶o̶ ̶ Caius. The atmosphere crackled with an unspoken understanding between them.

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