22. Rather Be

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There's no place I'd rather be
I would wait forever

Exalted in the scene

Clean Bandit, Jess Glynne


Truth be told, when Alessia had informed Helios about the upcoming events the day before, she hadn't anticipated him metaphorically dropping a bomb on her.

After going over their codes to communicate without outward stating anything that was important, Alessia had casually questioned about the location of the meeting and where she could change clothes. She had no prior knowledge of where the meeting was to take place, and it hadn't even crossed her mind to ask before that. She trusted that Helios wouldn't have proposed the meeting if it were in a location visible to any vampire beyond Nefertari and Ramesses. Hence, she knew it would be in a secure location.

Helios referred to it as "Per-Hay," and it took Alessia some time to connect the dots. He went on to explain that it was constructed by Neb-maat-re, a name initially unfamiliar to her. However, when Helios mentioned that Neb-maat-re was the individual's throne name and the birth name was Amenhotep-Heqawaset, it finally dawned on Alessia that they were discussing Pharaoh Amenhotep the Magnificent , Hellenized as Amenhotep III. This revelation made it clear to her that their meeting was to take place in Malkata.

The Malkata.

The Palace of Amenhotep III Malkata.

Alessia found herself grappling with the perplexity of her presence in such a majestic setting, questioning why, among all individuals, she was considered worthy of a meeting in a place as grand as this. Helios then unveiled that the Uraei possessed several audience halls, and the particular one they were going to use, along with residences for family members and accommodations for attendants, had been bestowed upon them by Pharaoh Amenhotep III himself as a token of gratitude. The Pharaoh was grateful for their pivotal role in his governance.

The hall they were going to have the meeting in had witnessed only two prior gatherings: one with Stefan and Drago representing the Dacian Coven, securing the Uraei's place on the list of recognized covens, and the second hosting the diplomat from the Yin Coven, the world's third-largest coven. Considering all that, Helios stated that he should have anticipated Ramesses inviting someone of significance in the vampire world. Sulpicia, from the influential Delhi Coven and co-owner of the most prosperous Mediterranean trade company, indisputably met the criteria for such an esteemed meeting.

And, okay, all of this was certainly noteworthy. She did acknowledge the significance of these events, but she couldn't shake the lingering realization that Alessia was going to have a meeting in one of the audience halls of Malkata .

Alessia's life would never be the same again.

Helios confessed to being somewhat starstruck himself, admitting that despite his two previous visits, Malkata remained the center of Pharaoh's power. Alessia and he engaged in a lengthy conversation covering every detail and memory he had, allowing her to gain some insight into what to expect. However, as helpful as the discussion was, it also left Alessia brimming with anxious energy. In an attempt to calm her nerves, she had immediately searched for everything she could find about Malkata upon waking up, but unfortunately, it failed to provide the solace she sought.

Now she was armed with a wealth of new information, but Alessia also acknowledged the gravity of the purpose behind her visit. She couldn't stroll to take in the sights, sadly; instead, she would be engaged in conversation and had to pay attention. Adding to the challenge, she had to exercise strict self-control, knowing that unfamiliar vampires would be in close proximity. Alessia harbored a deep lack of trust in Ramesses, intensifying the need for her to find a way to calm her nerves, for she needed to be at her best.

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