Ch 7 - No Regrets

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** Luke's POV **

So, yeah, that happened. I kind of wished it hadn't ended so quickly, but I couldn't really control myself. It had been a while since I'd been so attracted to someone. But in the end, we were both satisfied, so that's all that matters, I guess. And with Jordyn's sister insisting that they leave, the timing was actually perfect. So I had no regrets.

Though, I felt a little disappointed when I heard the door close as she left. I assumed she would have waited on me to say goodbye, but I assumed wrong. Normally, I hated goodbyes because they were always awkward. But I would have liked to have gotten her number. Or Twitter, Snapchat, something.

I didn't make a habit of getting numbers, or keeping the ones that were given to me. Hell, I wouldn't have remembered who was who anyway. But I'm positive I would have remembered Jordyn. Oh well. Maybe if I was lucky, she'd somehow find a way to hook up with me again the next time I was in town.

I turned off the light and got in the bed, trying to not think about it anymore. Fortunately, I was exhausted and I immediately fell into a deep slumber.

I was snoozing so good when I got my wake up call from Earl (basically our tour babysitter) on the annoyingly loud hotel phone.

"Yeah?" I grumbled at him.

"Get yer ass down here, Luke. We're waiting on you," he demanded in his deep, rough voice.

People always gave Michael a hard time, assuming he was the slacker of the group. But in reality, I was the one who was known to be chronically late, almost always the last to show up to everything. That morning was no exception.

I hung up the phone and nearly fell back asleep. Thankfully, the bright sunlight shining through the window wouldn't allow me. After about ten minutes, I reluctantly got out of bed and showered. Then I threw my belongings into my oversized bag, including the two shirts I had gotten out for Jordyn and I to change into the previous night, er, earlier that morning. The ones we never put on. I smiled at the memory of what happened, remembering how enjoyable it was. But it was over and it was time to move on to the next city.

We all met in the same room where we had gathered the previous night, with completely different intentions. It was our usual "breakfast briefing" as we called it, where we reviewed the day's schedule. I had missed out on that part, and really had no clue if there was even a show that night. But there was still some food, so I piled up some bacon and eggs on a plate and took a seat next to Ashton. When I did, a light bulb went off in my head.

"Hey, Ashton. That girl you were with last night, did you get her number?"

Ashton snickered and shook his head. "Nah. You wouldn't want to waste your time with her anyway, dude. Trust me." He made a circling motion with his index finger next to his temple, suggesting that the girl was crazy.

I rolled my eyes. I may have been somewhat of an asshat when it came to girls, but I sure as hell had no intentions of sharing them with my band mates. "I'm not asking because I wanna fuck her, Ash. I thought I could get her sister's number from her."

"Her sister? How do you know her sister? Or that she even has one? And you actually want some chick's number? Are you going soft on me, bro?"

I rolled my eyes again. "I know her sister because I was with her last night, fucktard. She was kind of, I don't know... nice."

Ashton looked a little confused. "Wait. You mean that girl you were sitting with over there?" he asked as he pointed to the wall across the room.

I nodded, stuffing my mouth with a large forkful of eggs.

"Hmph. I never would have guessed they were sisters," he said more to himself than to me. He took a long drink of coffee, then he shook his head again. "Dude, I hope they're as different in personality as they are in looks. That blonde was something else. And not in a good way."

I honestly didn't even want to know what he was talking about. But whatever it was must have been the reason why she had insisted Jordyn leave with her so quickly. Maybe she was "something else," but Ashton was known to be a dick at times. I wouldn't have been surprised if he had said something rude to hurt her feelings.

In order to stay on schedule, we had to get going. I gulped down my orange juice and grabbed another handful of bacon on my way out.

I crawled into my bunk and tried going back to sleep, but it was impossible with Michael's loud mouth. He was my best friend without a doubt. But damn, he could get on my nerves. I had to listen to him and Calum drone on and on about the previous night's escapades. Michael's night had gone fairly par for the course, but he still felt the need to share details. And Calum was especially proud of his threesome.

I promise we were all good people. We were just young lads, ya know? Therefore, it wasn't uncommon to compare notes the morning following our "after parties." I usually joined in, too, but this time I just wanted to keep it to myself. I felt like being... respectful? Shit. Maybe I was going soft.

I don't know. There was just something about Jordyn that made me feel like I'd be betraying her if I bragged about it. And I'd never been with anyone who made me feel that way. Like, I actually cared about her feelings, even though I'd never see her again. Yeah, I was definitely going soft.

Ashton ended up spilling the beans about what happened between him and Jordyn's sister. And it was typical Irwin.

"God. I couldn't find a fucking condom. I mean, the fuck? I always have plenty. So anyway, she ended up sucking me off instead. And when I didn't return the favor, the bitch went ballistic on my ass." We were all aware of Ashton's aversion of being on the giving end of oral sex. So this didn't surprise us, but it was still funny as hell the way he explained it.

Calum and Michael were laughing their asses off. And, honestly, I started to as well. But my laughter abruptly came to a halt when it occurred to me out of nowhere: I hadn't used a condom with Jordyn. Fuck. My. Life.

I sat straight up in my bunk, knocking the shit out of my forehead on Michael's bunk above mine. This ellicited a whole new round of hysterics from the other three. I told them to shut the fuck up, and closed the curtain so I could freak out in private. Well, as private as it got on the bus anyway.

I had always been careful. Always. Even when I was drunk off my ass. Why had it not even crossed my mind? What a fucking fail. I could only hope that she hadn't said anything because she was on birth control. I wasn't really that concerned about any diseases, because Jordyn didn't seem to be the type who had much experience. I know you can't judge a book by it's cover, but she was most likely safe. But shit. Surely it would be okay, right? It had to be.

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