Ch 14 - Promiscuous

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** Luke's POV **

See, I told you I was a good person. And I meant every word I said to Jordyn. It felt strange saying all that stuff out loud, though. I'd never had to discuss something so serious before. I even surprised myself with my maturity.

Prior to finding out that I was going to be a dad, I hadn't really even thought about having children. I figured that would be way on down the road sometime, if ever. But I knew that shit was serious and I had to treat it accordingly. I meant it when I said that not being in the baby's life was never an option. I may have had my faults, but being an absent father wasn't going to be one of them. Yeah, it was gonna cramp my style, but maybe I could work around that issue.

Knowing Jordyn and I were on the same page about everything was more than I could have hoped for. We wanted to co-parent and I knew we'd figure out how to do that somehow. And she didn't assume that having my baby meant that we were automatically in a relationship. I didn't chose to be a dad, but I had no control over that anymore. I did, however, have control over my love life, or whatever you want to call it. I was perfectly happy with my fuckboy status, thank you very much.

As promised, Jordyn sent a photo of the ultrasound image. I was mesmerized by the little blob with a big head. And you could already see it's tiny limbs forming. I fucking made that. Wow. I kind of felt a little proud.
I forwarded it to my parents before responding to Jordyn.

To Jordyn: That's amazing. Thanks for sending it.

From Jordyn: YW. Curious, have you told anyone?

To Jordyn: Cal, Mike, Ash & my parents. It was kind of crazy. I'll have to tell you about it next time I call. You tell anyone?

From Jordyn: My sister, parents, & bff. The only people I talk to really. You can trust them not to say anything. And I can't wait to hear the story.

To Jordyn: If you trust them, so do I. We'll make an official announcement later on.

From Jordyn: Sounds good. I need to get ready for bed. I'm exhausted. Goodnight, Luke.

To Jordyn: Goodnight. Sleep well.

Mum called just a few minutes later, asking questions again. I summarized our conversation, which was enough to satiate her. Though, she had plenty of advice to offer, as mothers do.

Just when I thought she was finished, she asked, "So are you going to ask her to move in with you?"

I nearly choked on air. "What?! Mum, I hardly know her!"

I should have known how she was going to respond to that. "You weren't worried about hardly knowing her when you were having sex with her, were you?"

She had a point. "Okay, okay. God. I don't know, Mum. I mean, she said she'd move here, but I don't think she means my house exactly. I can buy her a house nearby or something. If she'll let me. It would just be weird if we lived together because we're not in a relationship or anything."

"Um hmm. You know, it might do you some good to settle down and not be so... promiscuous. If something more serious worked out between you two, it wouldn't be the end of the world."

No, she did not go there. "Oh my god. We're not having this conversation, okay?"

"I'm on social media, you know. I see everything you're up to. And I wasn't born yesterday, son. It's your life, but sleeping around is how you got into this situation in the first place."

I had reached my threshold and was two seconds away from hanging up on her. "Yeah, I know. Look, I'm not interested in talking to you about my sex life, Mum. I appreciate the advice, but I'm not 'settling down' any time soon. Jordyn and I have potential to be great friends. We have to be, for the baby. And that's all I'm aiming for, okay?" I was glad she couldn't see that my face was flaming red, from a mixture of embarrassment, annoyance, and something else I couldn't quite put a finger on.

She finally let it go and I told her that I'd be over later for dinner. Then I made plans for later that night. I called Calum and asked if he wanted to go out. I was finally feeling up to having a good time. Of course he was all for it.

I headed straight to Cal's after dinner. We hung out a while just shooting the shit to pass time. Naturally, conversation turned to the topic that was on my mind 24/7. He asked how the convo with my "baby mama" went. I just told him in a nutshell it was good and I was pretty sure everything was going to be okay.

I couldn't resist pointing out that it was kind of his fault, though.

"What the fuck do you mean it's my fault?"

"A couple of reasons, actually. First of all, you were a greedy bastard and took two girls that night. Jordyn was the only one left, so if I wanted to get laid, she was my only choice. Not that I'm complaining, by the way." Not at all.

"Wait a minute. So you remember when it was and who this chick is? How do you remember all these details?"

I shrugged. "It was just an unusual night. I don't know. Anyway, the other reason is because one of those chicks you were with spilled that drink on us, forcing me to take Jordyn to my room to change."

Calum started laughing. "Ah, fuck, man. I remember that! But you can't blame it on me, bro. You would have ended up fucking her anyway."

"I don't know. Maybe. But I'm still blaming you," I joked.

Calum patted me roughly on the back. "You never know, maybe you'll thank me one day."

There was a period of silence and I was once again reflecting on how my life was getting ready to change. But in the meantime, I was going to live it up. And that's exactly what I planned on doing that night. So I texted Gina to make sure she'd be there.

Gina was my go-to when I was home. We were kind of like friends with benefits, for lack of a better description. It worked out for us because she accepted that I wasn't interested in a relationship with her, or anyone for that matter. And it was just easier for me to be with one person who was more than willing any time than picking up randoms.

Cal and I took a cab to the club because we knew we'd both be too wasted to drive afterwards. As I spotted Gina in our usual spot, I went ahead and said goodbye to Calum. I knew it wasn't likely that I'd speak to him again before I left.

"Long time no see," she said, handing me a bottle of beer.

I took a long drink, downing half of the bottle before responding. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Mm hmm. That's why I think we should get out of here as soon as possible. You know, to make up for lost time," she said, pulling me as close as she could and running her hands down my chest. But she didn't stop there. One hand continued south until it reached a more sensitive part of me that didn't hesitate responding to her touch. Thank God my back was to the majority of the crowd.

Shit. I'd only just walked through the door, but she didn't have to tell me twice. I chugged the rest of my beer and we were out of there.

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