Ch 30 - Number One Fan

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** Jordyn's POV **

In two weeks we'd be going to Australia, which completely blew my mind. Time really does fly by when you're having fun.

Going for a postpartum checkup isn't quite so much fun, though. Which is why I was surprised when Luke insisted on going with me.

"I just want to get out for a while," he said. I didn't argue. So we packed the diaper bag and were on our way.

The appointment itself didn't take long at all. And everything checked out okay, the doctor lifting all restrictions and giving me the go ahead to "resume sexual intercourse." Trust me, I was planning on it. Messing around as we had been was great and all, but I needed more.

I was very much looking forward to what was likely going to be happening later that day. But I still had plenty of insecurities and was super nervous because my body was nowhere near it's pre-pregnancy shape. Luke had already seen it a few times and didn't seem to mind. And he actually had a way of making me feel attractive, even on my worst days. But I guess I'll always be hung up on my imperfections.

While we were having some lunch, with little Landon asleep in his car seat next to me, Luke reached across the table and held my hand.

"So, there was more to it than me wanting to get out of the apartment for a while." Sneaky bastard.

"And what exactly would that reason be?" I didn't know whether to be excited or scared.

"Well, remember that day I told you that I was meeting with that music producer last week?"


"Well, I kind of lied." He gave me an apologetic smile.

"Luke Robert Hemmings, this better be a good lie." I hadn't even questioned the meeting he spoke of because we were in "Music City," after all.

He chuckled and answered emphatically, "Yes, it is! I swear. I mean, I did talk to the dude, but by phone." He sat there a few seconds just grinning at me.

"Okay, spit it out! So where did you go when you were supposedly meeting with him? And why?" My heart was pounding with anticipation.

He made a motion as though to "zip" his lips and shook his head.

"You're a punk, Hemmings. How can you bring it up and then not tell me? Sometimes I wonder why I love you so much." I threw my wadded up napkin at him, hitting him right on his adorable nose. I should have known better.

He sucked up some water with his straw and threatened to shoot it at me.

"Don't you dare," I was giggling, knowing good and well that he would. His body was shaking with laughter, but he was silent, still aiming the loaded straw at me. "I mean it," I warned, shielding my face with my hands.

He squirted the water at me anyway, and I squealed quietly as it made contact.

There was some stifled giggling coming from across the room. Three teenage girls had their phones pointed at us. I didn't mind so much that they were recording us. At least it was a cute moment. But I was a little annoyed for being interrupted. Though, I knew I may as well get used it.

I finished drying myself as the girls started walking our way. Luke was all about keeping Landon out of the spotlight, so he said, "Why don't you cover him up and go to the car? I'll go take some photos with them and pay the bill."

When Luke got to the car, instead of getting in the passenger seat, he opened my door. "Move over. I'm driving. We have to get going."

"Bossy much?" He rarely wanted to drive, so I knew something was up. But I didn't question it. I climbed over the console to the other seat and Luke got in.

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